Fusionist's team comes from well-known Web2 game companies such as Tencent and IDFAME. The core members are the following three people:

Ike T.——Founder, CEO

With 14 years of experience in the industry, he joined Tencent in 2009 as AAD (Associate Art Director) and engaged in MMOG development; in 2013, he founded IDFAME NETWORK, designed the core product concept for "Force of Guardians", and coordinated all the processes of the game from development to launch; in 2019, he joined MOONTON GAMES as game director, leading the team to develop casual games for the Southeast Asian market; in 2021, Ike T. officially founded Fusion Interactive, and combined the team's knowledge in game development and blockchain to create a 3A sci-fi game universe: Fusionist. His game development skills were recognized by Brian Moore, partner manager of Insomniac Games (Marvel Spider-Man series, Ratchet & Clank series).

Daniel Fang——Marketing Director

Graduated from Shanghai University, with 14 years of working experience, he joined Tencent in 2009 and served as ADP (Associate Development Producer), Publishing Producer, and Operations Manager, responsible for the development and promotion of games; joined IDFAME NETWORK in 2014 as co-founder, operations officer, and communications officer, responsible for attracting investment and overseas operations for "Force Guardians"; joined Fusion Interactive in 2022 as marketing director, managing and coordinating the development of Fusionist.

Charles D. – Technical Director

11 years of experience in the industry, full-stack engineer, chief engineer of MOONTON GAME.

On June 1, 2023, Binance Labs announced Fusionist’s financing information:


The two NFT series released by the Fusionist team earlier this year: Bi·Mech and Alpha Prestige, were sold out as soon as they were launched. The subscription amount of Bi·Mech exceeded 2.15 million BUSD, and 4,600 people applied for it, which exceeded the subscription target by 12 times; Alpha Prestige rose by 85% within 7 days after its release, and the floor price has also risen to 6.77 $ETH today.

Recently, with the launch of Fusionist Beta testing and the release of OKX Jumpstart information, market sentiment has been ignited again.

OKX Jumpstart Mining will start at 14:00 on December 13, 2023. Both $BTC and $OKB holders can obtain $ACE token rewards through staking. The rules are as follows:


It should be noted that this OKX Jumpstart is limited to East Asian countries, excluding mainland China, Hong Kong, Macau, Mongolia, North Korea and Japan.

The token to be mined this time is $ACE, which is the governance token of Fusionist mainnet Endurance. The total amount is 147,000,000, and the distribution is as follows:


Back to the game itself, Fusionist is a game universe built with the Unity engine, with a variety of collectible NFTs, which mainly consists of 3 games:

Game 1: Colonization (construction simulation)


Game 2: Conquer (turn-based chess game)


Game 3: Alliance (SLG type)


The game is set in the year 2800, when human overexploitation has led to the deterioration of the earth's environment and it is no longer habitable. Space travel technology has matured, and wars for resources have broken out. Players will play the role of a mecha unit commander, manage their own planets, build industrial production lines, collect rare resources, upgrade technology, scan blueprints and build mechas. Finally, through PVP and PVE, they will build an interstellar fleet to fight interstellar wars and conquer the galaxy.

Fusionist has been under development for about a year. The community updated the roadmap in August this year as follows. It has now entered the Game 2 Beta testing phase:


Beta II testing was launched on November 22, with the open content being Game 2's turn-based mecha PVP battles, and the testing period ends on December 13. The following content is from the test version of the game and does not represent the final effect of the official version of the game.


Entering the main interface of the game, Fusionist showed us a futuristic mecha full of sci-fi combat. The main menu on the left lists:

  • Blueprint (BLUEPRINT)——Get new mecha

  • Hangar (HANGAR)——Mecha inspection, equipment replacement

  • REPAIR——Not yet enabled

  • Battle mode (BATTLE)——PVP, PVE battle

  • ESPORTS mode——Not yet enabled

  • Mission Mode (MISSION)——Not yet enabled

The following will focus on the contents that have been enabled in the menu list: Blueprints, Hangar, and Battle Mode.

  • blueprint:

Scanning blueprints is the main way to obtain new mechs in the game.

The mechas in the game are divided into four different levels: ELITE, EPIC, LEGEND, and MYRHICAL. The four levels correspond to four levels of rarity, MYRHICAL > Legendary > Epic > Elite. The higher the rarity, the stronger the mecha.


By playing the game, you can get matrix points, 100 points for the winner and 70 points for the loser. Currently, a green quality high-strength titanium alloy matrix requires 200 points to perform a blueprint scan. The scanned blueprint will be displayed in the blueprint display cabinet on the left. The probability of scanning blueprints of different rarities is shown above.


Click on the blueprint to display the detailed properties and skill information of the mecha. Then click on the Cast Mecha in the lower right corner to add the new mecha to the library.


  • hangar

In the hangar, players can view and adjust their mechas and equipment. Different mechas have different equipment, cores, attributes, and professions.


Equipment: Players can move the mouse to the weapon to view the skill details of different weapons. Generally, skills can be divided into three categories: attack, defense, and BUFF. Players can gain advantages in battle by releasing skills reasonably;

Core: The core needs to be unlocked at level 7. Different cores can bring different improvements to the mecha;

Attributes: There are 10 different attributes in total for the mecha, which determine the basic values ​​of the mecha;

Occupation: There are currently five mecha occupations. I have experienced the first four types of mechas, namely heavy armor (protection), melee mecha (combat), long-range mecha (sniper) and tank mecha (heavy firepower). Players can use the occupational characteristics of mechas to influence the direction of the situation in battle.

  • Battle Mode

PVP mode is available from 5:00 am - 7:00 am & 11:00 am - 1:00 pm (UTC) every day, and the rest of the time is PVE training mode.

The battle mode is that each side has 5 mechas on the field, and they fight in turn-based battles on different maps. The winner is the one who destroys all the enemy mechas. I have played the game in two maps, the snow and the desert.


Before starting to match opponents, players need to adjust the order of mechas on the field, which will affect the mecha positions at the beginning and have a certain impact on the game situation. For example, you can put a long-range mecha with high agility in the first place, occupying a favorable position at the beginning to attack the enemy from a long distance.


When you successfully match an opponent and enter the game, you can learn about the opponent's mecha and profession through the loading interface, so that players can understand the opponent's mecha situation in advance and respond accordingly.


After entering the game, both sides are born at the two ends of the map. The bar on the left side of the screen indicates the number of rounds and the order of action of the two sides' mechas. The blue one is our mecha, and the red one is the enemy's mecha. During the round, the mechas of both sides act in order according to their agility.

The lower left and right corners show the current status of the mech. The gray bar is the armor value, the green bar is the health, and the blue bar is the energy. The armor value will first absorb the damage received. When the armor is exhausted, the attack will directly affect the health bar. The armor value can be restored through some specific skills. Energy is the energy required for attack. Different skills consume more or less energy. The stronger the skill, the more it consumes.


During the player's turn, there are three operations: moving, standing by, and releasing skills. Each mech has only two action points per turn (displayed next to the health bar). Moving and releasing skills will consume action points, and standing by will directly end the action turn of this mech. Moving will consume different points depending on the distance moved. If it moves at a close distance (displayed as a white spot), there will be one action point left for attacking.


Mecha skills are divided into targeted and non-target skills. Targeted skills deal single-point damage, while non-target skills deal area damage.

Finally, each player will win the game by deploying different mecha equipment, lineups, order of play, using different skills and formulating different strategies according to different battlefield situations.

The above is only part of the Beta test content. There are still many contents in the official version of Fusionist that have not yet been officially unlocked. In the future, it will gradually bring players a more complete and richer gaming experience.

In addition to the Fusionist game, the team also developed Endurance, the main network on the chain where Fusionist is located, which is an infrastructure layer for social interaction and game operation. It was officially launched on January 31, 2023. Within 7 days of its launch, the number of users exceeded 610,000, and the number of daily active wallet addresses reached 114,800.

Endurance currently integrates functions such as auction house, NFT display cabinet and web games.


Users can purchase the core, stabilizers, and mechas required for the mecha in the auction house. It is essentially an NFT Marketplace that supports one-click floor sweeping.


$ACE is the governance token on Endurance, which aims to allow users to participate in the network and earn income. After $ACE is officially issued, users can earn $ACE rewards through the "Endurance" page on the official website.

In terms of NFT, Endurance has issued a total of five NFTs, namely: Alpha Prestige, BOAT, Quartan Primes and Bi·Mech NFT.


Alpha Prestige is Endurance's precious NFT, limited to 500 pieces, and the current floor price is 6.77$ETH.

The holder has the following privileges:

  • Whitelist and free Mint for the first limited mecha Quartan Primes—Stars of Dawn

  • Eligibility for Beta Testing and Subsequent Airdrops

  • Special benefits in the game

  • Fusionist Discord Private Channel Access

  • Get ACE for free every day

  • Fusionist Event Whitelist and Discounts


BOAT is an achievement reward token on the Endurance chain. It is non-transferable and non-tradable. It can be purchased through ACE. The main use case is to increase the daily income of $ACE and provide various game-related benefits. BOAT is divided into five categories: loyalty, activity, construction, social and value-added.


Quartan Primes are rare mecha NFTs that can be used in future official versions of the game. The current floor price is 0.98$ETH.


Pioneer is a proof of participation in the Fusionist Beta test, and the current floor price is 2.05$ETH.


Bi·Mechs are mechas with rare paint jobs, and the current floor price is $700.

In addition, the web game "Expedition" is also included in Endurance. Players can obtain corresponding Nova Points by sending mechas to expeditions of different difficulties. Nova Points is the designated currency of the auction house.


In general, the Fusionist team has rich experience in the gaming field. They have brought the game development experience in Web2 to Web3 and created a space science fiction game that combines construction simulation, turn-based chess, and SLG. The polishing of Fusionist game content is basically mature and has now entered the Beta II test. In addition, the team launched the Endurance chain, which is responsible for the operation of Fusionist and other pan-social functions, and issued a number of NFTs. The overall presentation of the project is more three-dimensional. At present, the token issuance time is approaching, and we can pay attention to the game's operating strategy and bug risks in the future, as well as whether there are token incentives and other schemes to further increase the number of players and activity of the game.