Web3 social application Tip Coin is open for claiming the token TIP, has launched DEX liquidity, and has filtered addresses with a wallet balance of 0 or a transaction history of 0. A total of tens of thousands of wallets are eligible to claim.

At the same time, Tip Coin said it will launch an appeals process to ensure that everyone who follows the rules is included.

Tip Coin announced the token economic model. 35% of the token TIP will be used for platform rewards, 5% will be allocated to the market, 5% will be allocated to team lock-ups, and the remaining tokens will be allocated to three Epoch rewards, with 15% used in Epoch 1. In order to provide liquidity, 15% will be used for airdrops; 20% of the tokens in Epoch 2 will be used for airdrops; 5% of the tokens in Epoch 3 will be used for airdrops.
