There are still many lessons to be learned when grabbing cell lucky white at night, mainly the operation of pulling gas. If you don’t play on-chain mint very often, it’s basically a waste of money.

On-chain operation tests several dimensions: experience; event resolution response speed; decision-making cost-effectiveness speed

The design of the project party is a transfer. As long as you grab gas, you will definitely not lose money, but can you pull it decisively at that time, how much to pull, how to pull, whether the pull is successful, and whether the wallet can pull it

There are many small problems that will appear in the last second, and you need to solve them in the next second

Come to DC every day and withdraw a few projects. Those channels that were once lively and now deserted are really shocking

#美国7月非农就业增长放缓 #美联储何时降息? #美国政府转移BTC #超级央行周