Are you confused about what to do with the Bitcoin in your wallet? Earn 14,580 B² tokens per day with @BSquaredNetwork, plus extra rewards from its partners. Here's how! 🧵⬇️

What is B² Network?

If you are not familiar with @BSquaredNetwork and the services it provides, you can check out my previous post.

Since its last launch, B² Network has been actively attracting users and transactions, and its products have achieved remarkable results:

+ 3,984,237 wallet addresses

+ 55,713,527 total transactions

+ $244.8 million in TVL

Why choose Multiple Benefits?

B² Farming has created a broad ecosystem that provides Bitcoin staking services, including some well-known projects such as

@babylon_chain, @Aptos, @Bedrock_DeFi, and @Stake_Stone, among others. Multi-yield offers users a variety of strategies to earn yield on their Bitcoin.

How to operate the farm?

Please visit B² Farming:, connect your wallet and choose the vault that best suits you. There are four vault options:

+ B² Hive

+ B² Hive - UniRouter

+ B² Hive - Bedrock - Babylon (using $uniBTC)

+ B² Hive - UniRouter - Echo (coming soon)

Current statistics

In just a few days, B² Farming attracted 448,619 users with a total deposit of $87.33 million. With the success of the second phase, the new phase will introduce more protocols to optimize users' income sources and points.

Personal opinion

In my last post, I mentioned that B² Network has been gaining a lot of attention in the Bitcoin network. With this farm event, B² Network is working to attract end users who are unsure about what to do with their Bitcoin.

in conclusion

By participating in B² Network's farming activities, you can not only maximize the potential of the Bitcoin in your wallet, but also receive additional rewards from 14,580 B² tokens and its partners every day. The multiple yield strategies provided by B² Network allow you to choose the staking service that suits you best and maximize your earnings.

In the face of the evolving cryptocurrency market, the success and growth of B² Network undoubtedly provides users with more choices and opportunities. Visit [B² Farming]( now and start your profit journey! Don't hesitate, take advantage of this opportunity to make your Bitcoin more valuable.

Are you ready for new growth and benefits? Join B² Network now and start your journey of benefits!

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