The recent market is amazing. Although the price of Bitcoin has slightly adjusted back in the past two days, the hype of meme seems to have become even more popular!

Seeing others making 10 times or 100 times more money by buying local stocks, the money you get from airdrops and new stocks is not worth it?

Do you feel that you have missed countless opportunities? Seeing that others earn more than you, you are very anxious.

This is often the beginning of making mistakes and losing money.

Because it is easy to lose your footing, not knowing what you should do to maximize your profits, and imitating and operating randomly, it is very likely that you will not even make money from the most basic big cycle trend. The bull market is like this. If you compare, you can always find people who earn more than you.

If this affects your mentality, you will most likely end up losing a lot. Therefore, at this time, I deliberately "slow down" and deliberately miss some "opportunities".

At the same time, I firmly believe that I can seize my own big opportunities. For example, even if I sell my chips at the top of this round of bulls, it is still a big opportunity.

Recently, I just need to make good use of the opportunities that I can see for certain returns. That is enough.