Telegram claims to have 900 million users worldwide. With a huge user base, and the introduction of the TON blockchain, the "International WeChat Mini Program" developed by Telegram has also begun to flourish. In the cryptocurrency community, many people are involved in the "Tap to Earn" game and meme currency community in Telegram. What’s interesting is that the Telegram communities for these projects often number in the millions, which is far larger than their communities on Twitter. Is Telegram another source of love, or is it just a bunch of fake fans?

We will take you through the Telegram tool to explore the reality!

Telemetrio, the anti-counterfeit fan tool: Seeing through the "processing" subscription behavior of TG channels

Search for "@telemetr_io_bot" on Telegram and you can find a robot that queries Telegram channel statistics. It claims to be Telemetr, a data analysis company from Ukraine. You can use the command "/channelstat" to further search for the Telegram channel you want to check, or go directly to the official website.

Case of suspicious subscription growth: Is this buying fake fans?

Looking at this cryptocurrency-related channel labeled as China, Telemetr’s analysis results show that the number of subscribers of this channel has remained flat in the past 30 days, but it only increased by 48,335 subscribers on July 30, a sudden increase in the number of subscribers. Tends to unnatural conditions. .

Other data shows that the channel has approximately 1,401 views in the past 24 hours, approximately 1,589 views in 48 hours, and an “Engagement Rate” of 2.61%.

Looking further at the detailed data, we can see that the number of subscribers of this channel in the past has not exceeded double digits every day, and the number of reads of a single post has only been in double digits. However, on July 30, there was a single-day subscriber growth of 48,335, and on July 31, it gained another 760 subscribers. The sum of the two days is 49,095, which is almost an integer, which is quite unnatural. It is expected that the subsequent unnatural growth will add up to 50,000, which will more likely lead to fan buying behavior.

Check out TON’s popular memes and blockchain game results? NOTCOIN Community

The Notcoin channel, which has 12 million subscribers (Twitter tracks 1.7 million), has gained 210,000 subscribers in the past 24 hours, 3.45 million subscribers in the past seven days, and a total of 3.94 million subscribers in the 30 days. The "Engagement Rate" performed well at 26.89%, and the post had 2.19 million views in the past 24 hours.

Judging from the changes in the number of subscribers, there has been a surge in the past month. Starting from the end of July, the number of subscribers was less than 9 million, and it reached 12 million subscribers in a few days. The growth was relatively stable in July.

It is more intuitive to look at the daily growth data. It maintained a daily growth of tens of thousands of people in mid-July, but between 7/26 and 7/31, there were hundreds of thousands to millions of subscribers added every day. However, compared with the NOT currency price, there is no significant increase in the time frame range, and it shows a decline, or the major news is announced and there is no motivation for the community to join in large numbers.

Hamster Kombat

Hamster Kombat's Announcement channel has 53 million subscribers (12.4 million tracked on Twitter), down 36,478 in the past 24 hours, 294,717 in the past seven days, and a massive gain of 4.43 million subscribers in the past 30. The number of views of the post in the past 24 hours was 8.97 million, and the "Engagement Rate" performance was very high, at 64.94%. Judging from its high interaction performance, it is relatively natural.

The increase in the number of subscribers in the past month has been relatively flat. However, since the number of subscribers of this project has increased from one million to ten million in April, subsequent fluctuations, although around the million level, are difficult to express on the chart.

Looking at the daily growth data, you will find that the current growth of this project has increased and decreased, except for some days when there was an increase of hundreds of thousands. The increase and decrease in each class has remained in the tens of thousands, indicating that the community may no longer be growing at a high speed.


Recently popular Catizen has 5.25 million subscribers (Twitter tracks 2 million), adding 3,515 subscribers in the past 24 hours, 145,142 subscribers in the past 7 days, and 620,000 subscribers in the past 30 days. The number of views of the post in the past 24 hours was 390,000, and the "Engagement Rate" was 14.96%, which is the lowest of the two cases mentioned above.

Judging from the growth curve in the past 30 days, it tends to be a step-like growth:

Looking at the daily growth data, the number of people increases and decreases. Most of them remain in the thousands to tens of thousands, with only a few days showing a sudden increase of hundreds of thousands:

Compare with the founders of Twitter and Telegram

Judging from the above table, if Telegram has Twitter and does not have an "out-of-group community", judging from the Telegram founder who has no way to create a fake account to grab airdrops, it can be assumed that this "out-of-group" ratio can be amplified by 4.54 times, among which Hamster Kombat's ratio is similar, and Catizen's is much lower than the benchmark value. However, NOTCOIN Community's Tap to Earn meme coins are significantly inflated. Judging from the subscription growth curve above, NOTCOIN’s curve also deviates from nature.

Generally speaking, due to the craze of Telegram, there are many "studios" that provide services of buying likes, buying tracking or click-through rates. Facing the community growth data reported daily by media communities, it is recommended to treat it neutrally. Through our The tools introduced can also help you see which communities are growing more naturally. In other words, buy into these interactions more professionally.

This article How to identify fake fans bought from TG channels? Gadgets teach you how to see through millions of Telegram channels and check the real traffic of TON memes/chain games. First appeared on Lian News ABMedia.