💥💥#ORBS is advancing all the way💥💥

🚀🚀Medium and long term: Long 📈$ORBS completes all goals🚀🚀


TP1: 0.02039 ✅ Completed

TP2: 0.02054 ✅ Completed

TP3: 0.02094 ✅ Completed

TP4: 0.02144 ✅ Completed

TP5: 0.02224 ✅ Completed

TP6: 0.02324 ✅ Completed

TP7: 0.02424 ✅ Completed

TP8: 0.02524 ✅ Completed

TP9: 0.02624 ✅ Completed

TP10: 0.02784 ✅ Completed

🔥🔥Started to plan for the medium and long term entry on July 8, the average position price was 0.01957, and the highest this morning was 0.02780. We just missed all our goals, so cool! Congratulations to all the ladies and brothers! Achieved a return of more than 795.08%! 🔥🔥


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