According to Foresight News, DL News reported that Ethena has launched a new feature that allows traders to use their USDe as collateral when trading derivatives, but it also pointed out that there are potential risks in allowing traders to use assets partially supported by derivatives to make more derivatives bets. Guy Young, founder of Ethena Labs, said that the company and its partners have taken adequate precautions. Among the five trading platforms that cooperate with Ethena, Ethena will disperse the short bets supporting USDe, of which 48% are on Binance, 23% on ByBit, 20% on OKX, 5% on Deribit, and 1% on Bitget.

Ethena aims to minimize the impact of unforeseen events on one of the exchanges through this move. The same theory applies to spreading the risk across different supporting assets: 50% of USDe is backed by Bitcoin, 30% by Ethereum, 11% by Ethereum liquidity staking tokens, and 8% by USDT.