Women working in the cryptocurrency industry earn more than men. This is evidenced by the results of a study by Pantera Capital. The survey was conducted in June-July among 502 cisgender US residents.

Based on the median base salary, for every dollar a man earns, a woman earns $1.15. In non-cryptocurrency companies, the figure for women is 84 cents.

According to the survey, the Web3 industry as a whole is one of the highest paid fields, behind doctors and corporate executive positions. The average weekly base salary for women exceeds $3,000.

This is explained by the significant professional experience of female respondents compared to the men surveyed - most of them occupy middle and senior management positions after five years of work.

According to Pantera Capital, women who have achieved heights in the field of cryptocurrencies have a number of soft skills, including resilience and high competence, which also positively affects their salaries.

“The inverse pay gap in the crypto industry may mean that it offers better opportunities for women than traditional fields,” the researchers commented.

Citing sample limitations, the survey's authors believe it would be inappropriate to conclude that male Web3 professionals have lower salaries based solely on gender bias. The number of women in the industry is still quite low.

Pantera Capital also recalled the cross-cutting problem of sexual harassment and objectification, which is no exception in the cryptocurrency space.

“Relatively fair wages in the crypto industry indicate a potential step towards greater gender equality,” the company said hopefully.

Let’s remember that according to last year’s Pantera Capital survey, only 3% of blockchain industry employees are paid in cryptocurrencies.