Many brothers

recently asked me whether they should continue to speculate in cryptocurrencies

or persist?

In fact, to be honest, the essence of speculating in cryptocurrencies is similar to other investment and entrepreneurship.

It can be summed up in four words: Winners take it all


If you make money in speculating in cryptocurrencies, your wife will recognize you, and your family will say that this kid is still promising and smart.

But if you lose money and get into debt in the end, your wife will divorce you and say that you are not doing your job properly, and your family will also say that you are a loser who does not do your job properly all day long. If you continue like this, you will be completely finished.

So in the end, whether you persist or not, there is no right or wrong in essence.

If you lose 1 million now, and you persist and lose another 1 million, then you are obviously wrong.

If you lose 1 million now, and you persist and make 10 million, then you are obviously right.

Just like Jack Ma back then

A good university teacher resigned, sold his house and started a business. If he succeeded, he was right.

What if he failed? His parents might be nagging him now, saying, "Look at you, you were a good teacher and quit your job. Now you have no house. How much did you sell your house for? Only 500,000, right? Now that house can be sold for 10 million. Then his parents also nag him for not living up to expectations, and his wife also nags him. Then Jack Ma says, don't bother with it, rush out, go to the store downstairs, buy a bottle of big green stick, buy a bag of peanuts, drink it, and sigh, I should have started a business in the first place!

So, there is no right or wrong in the matter of currency speculation, and there is no clear choice. If you can accept losses and yearn for more money, you should stick to it.

If you want to live a down-to-earth life and a stable life, then you should give up completely.

Ultimately, the choice is yours. If you choose to persist, you must be able to bear further losses. If you choose to give up, you must bear your ordinary loneliness after the bull market. All the choices are ultimately yours. There is no right or wrong, and no one can choose for you...

My point of view is that I hope that your choice, no matter the result, whether it is right or wrong, as long as you don't regret it in the future, it's fine......