1. Current price: $66,660.06 📉 (-0.19%)

  2. Trend:

    • BTC is in a correction phase after reaching $72,000.

    • Current short-term trend: downward 📉

    • Long-term trend: upward 📈

  3. Key levels:

    • Support:

      • $64,000 🟢

      • $60,000 🟢

    • Resistance:

      • $68,000 🔴

      • $72,000 🔴

  4. Liquidations (last 24 hours):

    • Total liquidations: $67.9M 💸

    • Longs: $1.4M 📈

    • Short: $66.4M 📉

  5. Trading volumes:

    • Increase in volumes near resistance levels 🔴

    • Moderate volumes near support levels 🟢

  6. Indicator:

    • The chart shows a decline after a strong rally, but the overall structure remains bullish.

    • The level of $66,000 is important for the further direction of movement.

📉 Conclusion:

  • BTC is in a correction phase. A breakdown of the $64,000 support level could lead to further declines to $60,000.

  • A recovery above $68,000 could signal a continuation of the uptrend and a test of $72,000.

📈 Recommendations:

  • For traders looking for long entry points, it is recommended to wait for confirmation of support at $64,000.

  • For shorts, be careful and monitor the price reaction at the $68,000 and $72,000 resistance levels.
