In the world of investment and trading, human greed is particularly prominent, often tempting investors to take heavy positions and frequent transactions, dreaming of getting rich overnight, but they don’t know that there are huge risks hidden behind this. In addition to greed, psychological traps such as blindly following trends, complacency, carelessness, and regret afterwards are also like shadows. These impatiences are pervasive and may erode the defense line of reason from the starting point of decision-making to the end of the result.

History has proved countless times that it is these human weaknesses that have caused many investors to fall on the journey of wealth and miss good opportunities. Therefore, for wise people who are eager to increase their wealth through investment, cultivating their hearts and overcoming impatience have become an indispensable ladder to success.

It is true that human weaknesses are rooted in the heart and difficult to eradicate, but wise investors know how to control them. They do not seek to completely eliminate them, but learn to regulate these emotions to a level that does not affect rational judgment. The secret to success often lies in whether they can go against human nature at critical moments and remain calm and patient.

The real trading masters who can make stable profits in the market do not have supernatural powers, but have a deep insight into the fragility of human nature and constantly go against the trend in practice. The reason why they can stand out from the 5% elite group and reap 95% of the wealth is that they have done something that most people can hardly achieve - in the face of temptation and fear, they can still stick to rationality and make steady progress. This is not only a deep understanding of the market, but also a constant challenge and transcendence of self-limits. #比特币行情 #美国政府转移BTC #超级央行周 #比特币大会 #美联储何时降息? $BTC $ETH