Judging trend reversal and operation skills of oscillating market, retail investors must read!

When a trend is formed, try to do more short orders in the downward trend and do more long orders in the upward trend. Before there is a reversal, betting on callbacks and rebounds requires very high technical requirements, so it is not suitable for novice operations. And judging whether it is a reversal or not, it is necessary to judge according to the structure and speed of time and space. Generally speaking: after the market has run for a certain space, especially after encountering important resistance or support, the possibility of reversal will be very high. The strength of the market rises or falls is very strong, and the speed will be very fast, and the probability of reversal is very high! Quickly break through important resistance and support or go sideways, and the original trend will be maintained in nine out of ten cases.

Oscillating order method: The market is in an oscillating pattern most of the time. Selling high and buying low between boxes when the market is oscillating is the most basic method for stable profit. The indicators used are BOLL and box theory. The premise of success is to find the resistance and support based on various technical indicators and graphics. The principle of using the oscillating order method is to buy and sell short-term, and not to be greedy!

Change and breakthrough order method: After a long period of consolidation, the market will eventually choose a direction. Chasing in after the market chooses a direction change is the fastest way to make stable profits. It requires good judgment ability of change, a stable mentality, and avoid greed and fear.

A person's biggest enemy is himself. Inner greed, selfishness, irritability, prejudice, laziness and other bad emotions. If a person can't even do some small things in daily life, can't handle family relationships well, and can't do his job well, then it's a fantasy to want to do the most difficult job in the world-trading. In the end, trading is actually a fight for personal cultivation. The biggest feature of trading is actually the torture of people's emotions. Only by realizing the true meaning of life and having extremely high personal cultivation can you make extraordinary achievements. No matter what, if you want to make achievements, you must have a personal thinking mode, outlook on life, values, etc. A lazy person who wants to master some technical things and try to solve it once and for all is basically daydreaming!