Today, we have to talk about a topic that makes people feel heavy but has to be faced, those Ponzi schemes that seem tempting but are actually full of traps.

As someone who has been working in the self-media industry for many years, I have witnessed too many people falling into these carefully designed traps because of their greed, and ending up losing all their money. So, I am standing here today to shout out loudly: stay away from Ponzi schemes and protect your wallet!

"Greed is the cause of many disasters." This sentence comes from the ancient Greek philosopher Democritus. It is like a sharp sword that points directly at the weakness in people's hearts. Ponzi schemes take advantage of people's greed and lure you into the abyss step by step under the guise of high returns.

Friends, remember, there is no such thing as a free lunch, only traps. When you see projects that promise "guaranteed profits" or "get rich overnight", please stay sober, because it is likely to be a carefully planned scam.

Recently, several Ponzi schemes have collapsed and run away, such as "Zhongcaotang", "Internet Association", "Fulai Vending Machine", etc.


These names may sound unfamiliar, but their routines are exactly the same: first, they package themselves through various means to create a high-end and trustworthy image; then, they attract you to invest with various attractive conditions; finally, when the capital pool reaches a certain scale, they abscond with the money, leaving behind a mess and the cries of countless victims.

Here, I want to remind everyone not to trust those scammers who use the gimmicks of "poverty alleviation" and "charity". These scammers are often good at disguising themselves and use people's kindness and compassion to commit fraud.

Remember, true charity and poverty alleviation will not require you to invest, they are more about silent giving and dedication.

"Investment is risky, so be cautious when entering the market." Although this sentence is a cliché, it is a wise saying. Every investor should keep it in mind.

However, in the face of Ponzi schemes, many people have forgotten this sentence and only see the tempting high returns but ignore the high risks behind them.

Friends, we must understand one thing: high returns are often accompanied by high risks, or even scams. Therefore, before investing, please make sure to do a full investigation and risk assessment, and do not blindly follow the trend.

When it comes to how to identify a Ponzi scheme scam, the method is actually very simple. As I said before, when you encounter a project that only requires investment to make money, and it is a guaranteed profit, you should be vigilant.

Remember the saying: "Ask yourself if you deserve it." If you feel that you don't have the ability and luck to make this money, then it is very likely that this is a scam. Because in this world, there is nothing that is absolutely guaranteed to make money.

I also want to tell you a cruel reality: the 80/20 rule in the trading market also applies to Ponzi schemes. That is, only a few people can make money, while most people will lose money.

This is because the Ponzi scheme itself is a zero-sum game or even a negative-sum game. The money someone earns is the money someone else loses plus the platform’s handling fee. So, friends, please don’t be lucky and think that you are the one who can get away with it. Because in this game, you may be the “leek” that is harvested.

Finally, I would like to end today's article with a sentence: "Only when you have money in your pocket can you sleep well at night." Friends, please cherish your hard-earned money and don't let it easily flow into the pockets of those scammers.

The only right way is to be down-to-earth and work hard to get rich. Let us stay away from Ponzi schemes and protect our happy lives together!