The rules of the currency circle that I have discovered, after reading them, you will benefit for life:

1. In most cases, Bitcoin is the leader of the rise and fall of the currency circle. Ethereum coins with strong quality sometimes break away from the influence of Bitcoin and go out of the unilateral market, while altcoins can basically not escape its influence.

2. Bitcoin and USDT move in opposite directions. If you find that USDT has risen, you should be alert to the fall of Bitcoin; when Bitcoin rises, it is the right time to buy USDT.

3. It is easy to have a pin phenomenon between 0:00 and 1:00 every day, so domestic currency friends can hang a buying price of the favorite currency as low as possible before going to bed, and hang a selling price as high as possible. If you don’t leave, you will make a deal and make money.

4. 6-8 o’clock every morning is a time to judge whether to buy or sell, and it is also a time to judge the rise and fall of the day. If it has been falling from 0:00 to 6:00, it is still falling during this period. It is a time to buy or cover the position. It is basically rising on the day. If it has been rising from 0:00 to 6:00, it is still rising during this period. It is a time to sell, and it is likely to fall on the day.

5. 9pm is an important time for rumors in the market. Due to the time difference, American coin friends get up and work, which may cause fluctuations in the price of coins. Some big rises or falls have indeed occurred at this time, so you should pay special attention.

6. There is a saying in the circle that "Black Friday". There have been several cases where the price fell by chance on Friday, but there have also been cases of big rises or sideways trading. It is not particularly accurate. Just pay attention to the news.

7. If there is a certain trading volume guarantee and it falls, don't worry. If you hold it patiently, you will definitely get your money back. It will take 3 or 4 days at a short time and a month at a long time. If you have extra USDT, you can make up for it in batches and pull the price down. You will get your money back faster. If you don't have extra money, just wait and wait. You won't be disappointed. Unless you really bought junk coins.

8. For spot trading, the same coin will have a greater profit if you hold it for a long time and trade less frequently than if you trade frequently. It depends on whether you have the patience to hold it.

There is a saying that I agree with very much: the knowledge boundary determines the wealth boundary, and people can only earn wealth within their knowledge boundary.

You must have a good mentality when trading cryptocurrencies. Don't let your blood pressure soar when the market drops sharply, and don't get carried away when the market rises sharply. It is important to lock in profits. For people who don't have too many resources, being down-to-earth is the irrefutable way of survival. Good luck! #美联储何时降息?