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    1: Be super hard on yourself: This means setting high standards and strictly enforcing them, but also avoiding excessive self-criticism and maintaining a healthy mindset.

    2: Never please anyone: stay true to yourself and build relationships based on mutual respect.

    3: Crazy plagiarism of excellent people: To be more precise, it is to learn and imitate the thinking mode and behavioral habits of successful people, while incorporating one's own innovations.

    4: Never participate in meaningless activities: Choose wisely the occasions in which you invest your time and energy, and make sure that everything contributes to personal growth or goal achievement.

    5: Work and live regularly every day: Establishing a stable rhythm of life will help improve efficiency and happiness.

    6: Running and fitness: keep the body active and promote physical and mental health.

    7: Cook for yourself and do housework: Develop the ability to live independently and also help save money.

    8: Do subtraction in life: simplify your life, reduce unnecessary material and social burdens, and focus on what is really important.

    9: Focus all your energy on making money: Although the importance of financial freedom is emphasized, it is also necessary to balance work and life and avoid becoming a slave to money.

    10: Be stingy with yourself, but never be stingy: consume rationally, invest in yourself and your future, don’t be blindly extravagant nor be stingy with necessary investments.

    11: Saving habits: Develop a savings awareness and prepare for the future.

    12: Seize opportunities to make money: Have a keen insight into the market, be bold in trying, but also abide by the law and ethics.

    13: Delay gratification: Cultivate patience and long-term vision, and do not pursue immediate gratification.

    14: Superior execution: Convert plans into actions and respond quickly to market changes.

    15: Decoupling from the original family: refers to spiritual independence, not severing ties, but establishing healthy family relationships.

    16: Don’t be afraid of evaluation and don’t care about opinions: Stay confident and stick to your own path, but also listen to constructive suggestions.

    17: Confidence and desire for success: Strong inner motivation is the source of power that propels individuals forward.

    18: Reasonable use of rules: maximize the use of resources under the premise of legality and compliance.

    19: Control the desire to share: protect personal privacy and avoid unnecessary interference.

    20: Keep "pushing" yourself: challenge yourself and constantly break out of your comfort zone.

    21: Don’t get caught up in the cause and effect of others: maintain independent judgment and don’t be easily influenced by others.

    22: Avoid being bound by morality: stick to principles and don’t easily compromise with unreasonable moral demands.

    23: The loneliness of the strong: Recognize that success is often accompanied by loneliness, learn to enjoy being alone and draw strength from it.