Hope you enjoyed the chop while #BTCEUR was completing a larger degree 5th #Elliottwave labeled in orange with a 64k #EUR top as of writing.

Now a highly speculative setup presents itself as per azure labels, though I personally am more confident with the orange interpretation, the RR in azure is insane with tight stop 59k slightly under the Nov.2021 top.

Either way, the action off the July low is constructive for a new ATH sooner than I previously expected in my $BTC 24Q2 review, as long as 52k holds. For reference, the 0.618 retracement of this July rally currently coincides with the Apr.2021 top around 54k.

So until breakout to new ATH, prudent longterm holders still need to be mentally prepared for a revisit under 50k: as per the 24Q2 review, even a drop into 45k can be very bullish with a 6-12 months outlook.