Xingtong 7.29 Monday Bitcoin evening watch!

There are so many talents. Those outstanding people have been like you, silently climbing over mountains and ridges. After a long time, you look back and realize that there are no shortcuts to success, only persistence and hard work.

Good afternoon friends in the currency circle, this is Xia Xingtong who leads Shipan Fancang. The new week is a good one. Qin Dynasty continues to be successful, and the winning streak is on the rise. The source of Shipan's learning has increased by nearly two times a day! Duo Kun goes back and forth, no matter what, he makes money! Still bullish at night!

Judging from the current structure, there is momentum for a retracement in the short term. The emotional rhythm of the bulls in the afternoon is stabilizing, and there is not much retracement. The moving average support is obvious. The price ratio has not recovered after the strong Yang pulled up, but it has taken time to recover. Although these two There is good news in the sky, but it has disappeared, but we still look at the stretching of the price comparison first, so we will continue to focus on Duo Lai in the future.

Xingtong’s Monday night operation suggestions:

BTC: 69000-69300, looking towards 71000.

Those who have lost short-term positions recently and are trapped in orders can consult Xingtong to answer their questions #比特币大会 $BTC $ETH $SOL