Hello, 70,000 BTC

Will this meeting pull you up? Is the bull market coming?

The method of holding meetings to pull up the market originated in the market circle, and was later learned by the cryptocurrency circle. What is the effect?

Yes, this thing is like a shot of cardiac stimulant, effective in the short term, but toxic in the long term.

The cryptocurrency circle has held so many meetings over the years. What conclusions have been drawn?

Have any major achievements been made? I don’t think so.

When I was young, I liked to join in the fun and attend various meetings.

When I grew up, I realized that it was a waste of life. I went to the construction site to carry bricks.

Earn 300 yuan and invest it in the cryptocurrency circle, which is more valuable.

Who likes to attend meetings? Why do they attend meetings?

The purpose of retail investors attending meetings is nothing more than to meet a few big guys,

to know some new projects, to understand the so-called industry trends,

and to post a circle of friends and show off.

However... the big guys you think are actually sickles,

the so-called new projects are nothing more than new scams in the guise of blockchain.

The industry trend is to paint a pie in the sky for you, telling you that his project is the trend, and you must sell your house to buy it, and by the way, tell you the story of cz selling his house to become the richest man, and give you psychological hints. In fact, the real protagonist is a group of sickles. As the party who pays money, the project party, the media, KOL, etc., go to the scene, mainly to obtain content, find potential leeks, and harvest online and offline. Whether it is the formulation of policies or regulatory measures, they will never be announced at such a conference. Everyone in the system knows that everything is subject to the red-headed documents. Similarly, everything in the currency circle is subject to net inflows. Project parties who are busy doing things have no time to hold meetings. Project parties who are busy holding meetings have no time to do things. If you bloom, butterflies will come. Only after the prosperity, the truth will be revealed. Therefore, be wary of project parties who only know how to hold meetings. Don't be too serious, I didn't say that the impact is not important, thank you. The market is currently stable, and the information gap is very important. Those who like spot and contracts should keep up! For more details, you can follow me, click on the investment website, and keep up with my pace!

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