Looking at the current price of $STRK , does it look like last year's Blur? When $BLUR was launched with many improvements along with a very large NFT trading volume, people at that time expected BLUR to become a major counterweight to #Opensea , some even thought it would soon surpass it.

At that time, many traders trusted Blur, including me, because of the very good side information about trading volume,#Amazonat that time suddenly launched an NFT collection along with a Future list on #Binancce v. .etc..

However, after that, along with the downtrend of the BLUR market, the price line was pushed hard, only eating and losing, making traders bored. Every time you buy to reduce, there will be a new bottom, until the majority of AEs stop shouting DCA, don't mention it anymore and have sold, then BLUR will increase again at the end of 2023.

STRK also carries a lot of investor expectations. When Optimistic Rollup technology vs the success of ARB OP, STRK is expected with ZK Rollup technology to be a counterweight because it is a project with a very good Funding Team Dev Backer. It is a product with planned launch timing, not as rushed as APT before. However, the higher the expectations, the more disappointing STRK will be in terms of price.

Blur has divided 8 times from the peak in last year's wave, of course in terms of capital raising#BLURcannot compare to STRK but the price line and trader psychology are not much different now. AE is forever swinging high, perhaps 1.2-1.8u is the most, but there has not been any significant recovery.

If a Thai thief wants to kill AE like BLUR did, the price of STRK will drop to 0.3x. A very, very boring number, right? Hope that doesn't happen.