First advice

The cryptocurrency market has gone through its period of wild explosion. What follows is the stage of formal financialization and the competition among capital institutions.

Stop dreaming about increasing the value of a coin by dozens or even a hundred times. According to the current market sentiment, coins that can increase by a hundred times are rare.

Even if the bull market really comes, there won’t be many coins that can increase more than 50 times.

Second advice

It is true that investing in new shares in the primary market is a small investment with a big return, but those who recommend you to play in the primary market will not tell you that 99% of the projects are zero. Even if you are listed on some small exchanges, some KOLs will most likely ask you to hold on when they are throwing chips, and they will take a step ahead.

The third piece of advice

Although you can make a lot of money by playing contracts with full position and maxing out the multiples, you can also lose a lot of money.

I don’t think anyone will tell you that the essence of cryptocurrency trading lies in rolling positions, rather than how much profit you make from a single order.

The fourth piece of advice

Generally speaking, when someone is frantically CXing a certain coin, it is basically coming to an end.

At this time, if you have held this coin before, you can consider getting off.

The fifth piece of advice

Good fortune does not come to a house without virtue, and wealth does not come to a door of emergency.

Under what circumstances can water nourish all things? Is it true that water is suitable for nourishing all things when it is still?

So, when you make a profit from trading, please don't be too arrogant, and when you make a loss from trading, don't blame yourself too much. You must understand the principle of "profit and loss come from the same source". Whether you make a profit or a loss, you should summarize yourself from time to time and ask yourself why this order is profitable and why this order is a loss? Remember, young people, emotional people cannot do trading well.

The sixth piece of advice

Others will not easily tell you about making money. If someone tells you how much you can earn by investing in this coin, then you have to be careful because he may just want to make a quick buck from you.

Seventh Advice

If you want to do well in trading, you should have your own insights, rather than just following the opinions of others. It's like a blogger sharing his profit-making experience. He can profit from this set of theories, but when you hold this set of theories and suffer losses, it is mostly due to your own factors. It's like when we read "Wang Yangming's Mind Learning". After reading the Mind Learning, can you achieve the same "unity of knowledge and action" as Mr. Wang Yangming?

Therefore, figuring out your own set of money-making theory is the golden key to your stable income. Other people's experience can be regarded as fertilizer and as a reference standard for whether it is feasible when building your own theory.

The eighth piece of advice

Make friends with more veterans in the cryptocurrency circle, even if he is a person who has been trading for many years and still loses money. By spending more time with him, you can find out the reasons for your own losses. You can avoid some of the reasons for his losses in time and trade in the opposite way of him. As a result, you will find that, hey, it turns out that making money is that simple.

If you are alone, looking around and finding no one around, it is actually very difficult to persist in this industry.