#比特币大会 #美联储何时降息? #山寨季何时到来?

The difference between bankers and retail investors is mainly reflected in the following aspects:

1. Difference in profit expectations

Retail investors often have more radical profit ideas and dream of a tenfold or a hundredfold return as soon as they buy. This mentality drives them to pursue quick and high returns.

In contrast, dog dealers show a more stable and long-term profit strategy. They carefully plan to achieve the average profit level of the industry, which is usually set within a reasonable range of about 20%. Bankers pay more attention to sustained and stable returns rather than short-term huge profits.

2. Difference in profit cycle

Retail investors often show short-term transactions. They are accustomed to frequent buying and selling, and the operation method of fast entry and exit of holding time may bring short-term gains, but it is also accompanied by higher risks.

The profit cycle of the dealer is relatively long. They operate in a wider price range, and it usually takes 3 to 5 months to gradually complete the various links such as position building, pull-up, and shipment. This long-term strategy enables the dealer to better control risks and achieve more stable returns.

3. Differences in profit methods

Retail investors' profits are relatively simple, and they mainly achieve profits through a simple buy-rise-sell process. In this model, retail investors need to bear the profit task of all positions, and once the market changes unfavorably, they may face large losses.

The dealer has a more complex and flexible method.

They usually divide the funds into multiple parts, one part of the funds is used to build positions at a relatively low level, and the other part of the funds is used to continuously pull up, creating a hot market to attract retail investors to follow suit.

After reaching a certain height, the dealer will begin to gradually ship, and at the same time use means such as smashing the market to pave the way for the next round of operations. This multi-level profit method enables the dealer to better control the market rhythm and achieve more lucrative returns.

In addition, the dog dealer will also achieve its goals through information asymmetry, creating panic, good news, etc., and retail investors can only passively accept it. In addition, there are significant differences between the dog dealer and retail investors in terms of profit expectations, profit cycles and profit methods. This is why 99% of retail investors are led by the dog dealer.What do you think?