🙊🙊The risk of liquidation is everywhere: four deadly traps🤝🤝

High leverage: the illusion of profit, the abyss of loss. Using high leverage to pursue quick profit is like taking chestnuts from the fire. Once the market fluctuates, losses will come like a tide and swallow everything. The wise move is to stay away from high leverage and invest steadily.

Carrying orders: an accelerator of losses. Facing the wrong direction, insisting on not stopping losses or even covering positions will only accelerate the accumulation of losses. Timely admitting mistakes and decisively stopping losses are essential survival skills for investors.

Frequent trading with high leverage: the end of the gambler mentality. Frequent trading under the temptation of high leverage, once losses are lost, they are eager to recover, and the result is often getting deeper and deeper. Controlling the frequency of transactions and rationally analyzing the market is the long-term solution.

Imagination and obsession: the reverse force of the market. When the price trend runs counter to personal expectations, imagining a turn and obsessing about the wrong direction will only put oneself in a deeper predicament. Respecting market laws and following trends can avoid the tragedy of liquidation. $SOL $IO $BONK #美国PCE通胀放缓 #比特币大会 #美联储何时降息? #美国大选如何影响加密产业? 2122488 180