Dong Yuhui finally went solo. Yu Minhong's own explanation was much clearer than the announcement of Dongfangzhenxuan. In short, he couldn't carry the company anymore.

Originally, it was thought that the spin-off could appease the dissatisfaction of Dong Yuhui's fans, but as long as Yu Minhong is still the boss in name, he needs to always consider the relationship between him and his star employees.

Yu Minhong almost wrote out the four words "doing his best". It is not a common practice to count the distribution of benefits and disclose the details in front of everyone, just because he really doesn't want to bear the blame that cannot be tolerated. From now on, everyone will be well and not disturb each other.

In fact, Dong Yuhui's economic value and the risk of overturning are now on par. Yu Minhong gambled on a cut, hoping to return to the point of making money quietly.

This year, many big anchors of live e-commerce have adopted this strategy. During the 618 shopping festival, the media was shocked by the data and wondered why the top anchors couldn't carry the goods. In fact, a large part of it was intentional. They would rather give up the show to support their apprentices than be the first to stand out and control the degree of their prominence.

So if you look at this letter from Yu Minhong again, it is full of his desire to keep a low profile. Whoever wants to be in the limelight can do it.