Recently, the difficulty of meme transactions in the Solana ecosystem has gradually increased, and the number of "golden dogs" has decreased. However, in this environment, there are still a number of "smart wallets" that are still making huge profits. Which addresses are still "printing money", what transaction characteristics do they have, and what indicators are the key to success?

In this article, Odaily sorted out the front-row holding addresses of 27 popular, large-market meme tokens and made summary statistics of their data, totaling 1,080 wallet addresses, to answer the above questions. in:

  • Market cap: greater than $1 million, including a handful of tokens over $10 million ($rocky) and tokens over $100 million ($BILLY);

  • Front row addresses: the top 40 holding addresses of each token, each address has a profit of thousands of dollars to hundreds of thousands of dollars on the corresponding token;

  • Data source: Mainly from GMGN, some win rate data from cielo.

Preprocessing and fractional algorithms

This section details the sample processing methods, statistical dimensions and fractional algorithms. Readers who only want to know the conclusion can directly check the next chapter.


The following processing was performed on 1,080 front-row wallet addresses

  • LP addresses and exchange addresses (such as Matcha,, etc.) are removed;

  • Duplicate addresses are eliminated (the same address becomes the front row for multiple high market capitalization tokens);

  • Addresses that have never purchased any tokens in the 30th day are removed;

  • Addresses whose absolute value of profit in 30 days is less than $10 are eliminated (due to major conflicts with the subsequent evaluation system, they will not be included for the time being);

  • Addresses whose winning rates cannot be calculated by GMGN and cielo will not be included for the time being.

After processing, a total of 541 wallet addresses remain, which are evaluated through the following dimensions:

statistical dimension

Wallets are evaluated around winning rate, stability, and profitability, and scores are calculated through the following six dimensions:

  1. 30-day wallet win rate;

  2. The average number of purchases to profit (30-day profit ÷ 30-day purchase count);

  3. The average number of sales versus profit (profit on 30 days ÷ number of sales on 30 days);

  4. Total profit amount;

  5. The absolute value of the proportion of the top three profits to the total profit (the higher the proportion, the more unstable the profit, and the lower the score. It may also be that a single token makes a lot of profit, and the rest is a total loss, and the total profit is very small low, resulting in a high ratio);

  6. The absolute value of the proportion of the top three losses to the total profit (the higher the proportion, the greater the retracement, and the lower the score);

Score calculation method

Z-Score (standard score) is used here to calculate the score. Each of the above six indicators will be distributed in the [0, 1] interval after being calculated using Z-Score, so the highest score will be 6 points.

Who is making a lot of money?

After processing and calculation by the above method, the highest score is 4.85 points. This address has only traded 42 times in the past 30 days, with a winning rate of 100%. It made a profit of US$106,000 on the 30th, and a total profit of US$436,000. The three largest losses were added Up to just $8,000.

The lowest score is 1.1 points. This address traded 29 times in 30 days, with a winning rate of 0%, and a loss of US$38,000 on the 30th. The highlight was that the three largest profits totaled US$40,000, but the three largest losses totaled US$38,000.

Characteristics of top ten masters

Calculate the average of the addresses with comprehensive scores in the top ten. The data is as follows:

  1. 30-day wallet winning rate: 63.55% (the average of the next 90 people is 63.58%)

  2. Average number of purchases to profit: $4,717 per purchase (average for next 90 is $623)

  3. Average number of sales versus profit: $4,090 per sale (average for next 90 is $628)

  4. Total profit amount: US$980,000 (average value for the next 90 people is US$279,000);

  5. The absolute value of the top three profits to the total profits: 90.8% (the average of the next 90 is 90.67%)

  6. The absolute value of the top three losses to total profits: 11.07% (the average of the next 90 is 11.62%)

It can be concluded that the top 100 players are almost the same in strength, and the top 10 players only have a small advantage in retracement control. When other data are almost the same, the difference between addresses 11-100 in indicators 2 and 3 is mainly because the amount of each purchase is relatively small, so the scores are low.

The top ten addresses are:

  • 6FNbu3i6vpigXMatC6SyWKibUAdJyyX8nM8WDtZCNcEz

  • 6xUL8CUfV1fzd3UQoDBs7agWNXpwyE5q56css1wHNFFU

  • 4J5rDTvRbzjuKkB4B9rvNEvDz6f1BEBzUVT5mdctKHoT

  • 9v6RGY46wf672PtpYMxCJ1nvrVTrukUDn1AjE634rvCf

  • GpNbukV5nggkJfsEEbKrJaZkdgYcNWCAaD91Mi4MmGQi

  • DNfuF1L62WWyW3pNakVkyGGFzVVhj4Yr52jSmdTyeBHm

  • FTg1gqW7vPm4kdU1LPM7JJnizbgPdRDy2PitKw6mY27j

  • 69ngexW9UkgRp5KFjLpaK9XNSCxUFmps6jYmqhK3q6m9

  • 7XgBprwnRfFHd287pnNQj4AZ6Yb9QE5pJ6ChQ3zhsGpJ

  • 4Be9CvxqHW6BYiRAxW9Q3xu1ycTMWaL5z8NX4HR3ha7t

What is the gap between 101st and 200th place?

The average wallet data of users with scores from 101st to 200th is as follows:

  1. 30-day wallet winning rate: 45%

  2. Average number of purchases to profit: $317

  3. Average number of sales versus profit: $425

  4. Total profit: $129,000

  5. The absolute value of the top three profits to the total profit: 145%

  6. The absolute value of the top three losses to total profits: 25%

It can be seen that there are considerable gaps in the 6 dimensions. The most obvious gap is between indicator 2 "average number of purchases to profit" and indicator 6 loss ratio. This may mean that when the winning rate is insufficient, people are more keen to take action. Buying, resulting in insufficient profits and amplified retracements.

What did the ten worst people do?

  • 0-day wallet winning rate: 17%

  • Average number of purchases versus profit: -$1,0797

  • Average number of sales versus profit: -$2,3547

  • Total profit: -$146,000

  • The absolute value of the top three profits to the total profit: 2,092%

  • The absolute value of the top three losses to total profits: 642%

It is worth noting that among the ten addresses with the lowest scores, three addresses made the largest profits of US$694,000, US$403,000, and US$150,000 respectively, but their final total profits were very low.

What's the key to success?

In trading, it is often difficult to take into account multiple indicators such as winning rate, profit-loss ratio, retracement, etc. What aspect should we focus on to strengthen the most effective way to increase the net worth growth of the account in meme trading?

The Pearson correlation coefficient is used here to calculate the relationship between multiple indicators and the final score. The conclusions are as follows:

  • Win rate has the strongest correlation with points (0.610), illustrating that Solana's meme is still an extremely fast PvP battlefield, and maintaining win rate is more important than maintaining profit and loss ratio (Diamond Hand failed).

  • The second strongest correlation is the maximum loss ratio (-0.495), which shows that controlling the retracement is also a key factor, requiring traders to control participating positions or stop losses in time (those who like single hanging stud may join the ten-person package).

  • The correlation coefficients between other indicators and scores all fall into the "weak correlation category."

  • The number of shots is completely unrelated to the score, which means that whether it is a wild P and a fierce P, or an occasional shot, the result is basically the same (which may mean that the participation of most tokens is to roll the dice, which ultimately complies with the law of large numbers).

in conclusion

To sum up, on the PvP battlefield of Solana memes, the key to victory is to escape quickly and lose less.

Odaily reminds me that there are risks in meme investment. This article is only used as a reference. The specific investment targets and styles must be determined by the investors themselves.

Appendix (Top 100 Smart Money Addresses)

  • 6FNbu3i6vpigXMatC6SyWKibUAdJyyX8nM8WDtZCNcEz

  • 6xUL8CUfV1fzd3UQoDBs7agWNXpwyE5q56css1wHNFFU

  • 4J5rDTvRbzjuKkB4B9rvNEvDz6f1BEBzUVT5mdctKHoT

  • 9v6RGY46wf672PtpYMxCJ1nvrVTrukUDn1AjE634rvCf

  • GpNbukV5nggkJfsEEbKrJaZkdgYcNWCAaD91Mi4MmGQi

  • DNfuF1L62WWyW3pNakVkyGGFzVVhj4Yr52jSmdTyeBHm

  • FTg1gqW7vPm4kdU1LPM7JJnizbgPdRDy2PitKw6mY27j

  • 69ngexW9UkgRp5KFjLpaK9XNSCxUFmps6jYmqhK3q6m9

  • 7XgBprwnRfFHd287pnNQj4AZ6Yb9QE5pJ6ChQ3zhsGpJ

  • 4Be9CvxqHW6BYiRAxW9Q3xu1ycTMWaL5z8NX4HR3ha7t

  • 5wPWthsivjuGi43WbTo5LdSjDTJ8pXSSHyfXWVojJjUF

  • 27nKnCT3DD5NLJw3xbq3KDL3thx6KTe6DmrRCbi2uszE

  • 2zc9rfAQybucpfQxdgW9otWBFnqxDoz5Fva1vD2wmaha

  • 6HRZ8qLqmAuJ3anksqAEHLqwN7akoCU1ZjihQyoQbK64

  • ENRayX3P4At1eBj87TZJvZT1JVCAykwwYB5SjKT6Y2ZA

  • D49JMtrnenWigKNWxrACtyXfybZLjKsufXvdcD1ng8BA

  • DVFpA1mKBWSEuyuiWXQEdrhkyZ8mSPM2Fe7y1KhbbqxT

  • 7HUpxcqNkUF2sGsNcTPMTWTVXok9mUiG8QcRJHM61jys

  • 8deJ9xeUvXSJwicYptA9mHsU2rN2pDx37KWzkDkEXhU6

  • CeoqFgsd6sob3S1Ka7qDnXj1e76MweXx2cwUrjVqmRmv

  • 6p8cxa2G17qaJf4LnoioyQ2vjmfaY91hc2cYghQiovXf

  • 9NmtJ6MpuH8mzNnbQHvwaVpKbs3T51nr6VMFRTshNCMS

  • 8r5Y6gRPBLoiT4jSGgpMwPPn4PitdSuKqDGPUx2aU5Wh

  • 79CmfobG1sLjUZRyT9nUzfwy5xcJuWETMqTMVxFqNFwh

  • 6AtHTM75tnpvazEwMBmd2spbxcQFTBqrNxNKUvTWxUMp

  • A4vCNjNJxs6UxsHT99oNkNZaoLBBYS7ZF4RwaPwZ7PKp

  • 8yJFWmVTQq69p6VJxGwpzW7ii7c5J9GRAtHCNMMQPydj

  • EKWkKPRGEQzTHW32j7i4hbtzoW6s3ZGAfL7T8RkSvrhJ

  • FfCmMs68EYGkd3mnMf7T7uLRxEh5z1cY7TVpqawQxCEF

  • HbzEtahBdLk61kCP9wgqEecvP5oebFaqWHCANJupYM8Q

  • Ffb9SFFAFgBhiEU1XUj3r4JEz5Rva7SUfEAJWFinpUau

  • Eb5u4wu1bjjyeytxiuatuqNGGQLFFHjcW9rLeTiGzrMf

  • HS8BjVNAT4m36hLnD3GZvc74Y8iMVkx7pYhiMSDv1pWm


  • 12L63BUpPKi8ZDdD1Kj5dsyPcozjAc1vTQpVwLbBa19H

  • 6YQSZp2mnp8BUMyMkT7MPg33YHXtnJVBPvS8wNStiF6H

  • 9ru9BSVFSUqSRQFwdjjnkzQGf9yUdpRTjpjXPKc4BvxX

  • 4mbEf27m7XVGSuFpiAQiRxCyX5Epu2qd2gevY2joPmQk

  • Cgzgw9agWXSJPHPWXFoM4W5iKeUi1dNVREfq5u86XMKx

  • ExCsisSuZuXmnuPMNVUiR7zTejfN3kmZdVidSExQE1vc

  • BrFcBzjdb6iWgnogjaDws8CxnB6ApWtacCtUtsgzEHCf

  • 9oTsfYWULoX9V9X1xJosKquiv2RUxia6XTLZHn6aa5BN

  • 5mta8pCqi2Zm3kFWLyMXseZtAFpHd5m2vHLh7N7hWyqX

  • 3kebnKw7cPdSkLRfiMEALyZJGZ4wdiSRvmoN4rD1yPzV

  • 8Ga6pH8cpxspHEeF9Q3nc6BTgHCxnMwMJvvvecErLux7

  • Bgm3tCLEcUQweuDcYARyoXioLCQQ3pdMYLMoneKdKP2m

  • 9vuf62XM3nf1TqceYYfd5RUawZ1rvmVYJJRmhc5e9Lgt

  • HiJ46Rrgdx7hmsgaibmi9LEM7U5nsHmVD22rngwk4Udc

  • 7UiWFNRmbwFph7247WTzfxGHqELDigqpsiysb3y3tKQf

  • E8hK8YbE8iBPywf4Q9TahgAT42Az2jgJL6uCHcpkP196

  • ARGivPcb6uapd5N3EFMAzpWDZ4wRxriMH1kkdeFHYUvS

  • 5cN5vAuXpRfE56QJTKFxw7m3UkuVVcZMjTwGb2DQZkrG

  • DKwybycDSWidrHfpMjaahUsT1Yid3kig86ncXPAGe7AU

  • EceAXcGP69ZKCnXougTSpuHoGrLZT7e9hkxXmDPx8Qcd

  • GYGazbafxrSffoFF6xPUwVmqnV8CziwkD89KijUorhHi

  • H6azfrDwWFmQav8UMLiofEi73q6uZVv9geNqpy6VQXV9

  • ErG9AkyQQvf7j8rha71dtba2zxqmEfPfc819TMzAbnWk

  • B4M9RqyTF9jF5Zb8ZG9ZeLkvWXCeKMAq6TdE9L4NqUr2

  • HkiCryXaSgvYPHenUv2YYfcoYd8HcNgUUDKZdScpyP6Z

  • 99qwBygWc1nPo9AvKgLbKDXxSkdmvy5CXTNk5CWVwzGT

  • 5B3wpkaPZAKSZpYxmyMx5xNpeRZy67WdFNGQJToziAHP

  • DosUh54Scj73jcPepYmiFPAzmn3oQYyd94FZqwNmBeGC

  • Hp7fx5PoK6jg7brkJYiQ1fdAR73fZpwtFZCuUPTY8pVg

  • ArSJoBSqugxk8s1ub56YENhDvHXneCnfXJujzpugkCbT

  • Et45ydaesDDBN1zjXA9m7iTqgatTnxL6MrMgtWNfCbuX

  • 8A4yM724ep3dqv9GQ7Rx3B9QcV8Tjc2H1toHAnEEmAeK

  • JDkA2zGDoL184ZCxkETmZMUucZve3S9iCpCygK7X383m

  • 7dMyG1PVNpqz9FpxyGAg7kkhVQmQ9zUJHwQw6RHs4vyo

  • Eq38QQAc2auEEoXKx2iV7sXhGzmUaVMwf2SzHmw6cg4u

  • 7fLjm9dYn9chMXX58Au2H1p3cwoTvh3Ri3erm1bxWXk2

  • HF9G11htJrFUGD5cpj8t9Fks7DZ4eJy78YqmrAZquydg

  • 4bUb5YV7zcvabHsPd7NTpvMmbdMJkTwAtvY269PjNFh8

  • FvTBarKFhrnhL9Q55bSJnMmAdXisayUb5u96eLejhMF9

  • 4ZCo5NLb1KxRymHaWh341WidGF3nYqBGanhHoq4HUGaf

  • CuEeVczBi4ahyc6kwDodA24CzLVbk5wWUaMnL21da8Ws

  • 8MaVa9kdt3NW4Q5HyNAm1X5LbR8PQRVDc1W8NMVK88D5

  • CPydqKcEEeKTR6wt3L15G8S5Ea4bxjS2vvjiW9vw1UwK

  • 34ZEH778zL8ctkLwxxERLX5ZnUu6MuFyX9CWrs8kucMw

  • 6CHhn9g1F7msGdekeJTtAcC6EsaEeHBCn6xz6hKpqhsQ

  • CMcHRygKpNG2Jx83T1cTiqAvg55mYXv6uSwjhFzLwQFc

  • 4q7rNU1nRUWY14vaLPpzpc2C756UQE36vaDwphBpLf2s

  • AgMroLKUzcvHcvS79xDJmg9ZeuvReyvNxTLunyzqh1nZ

  • FxqnyvqQbqvfzKZ7uNgu3aFfJzD7FPYi4J7foMwYJgMu

  • Gb8hF3dex5XsDYMFThaCUvLQngshMJbKuU4fc9PjiVp1

  • 6Y9shDFcKwXh16SR1hatzSsWCBQctjY8VCGbyLWY8NFp

  • DKgvpfttzmJqZXdavDwTxwSVkajibjzJnN2FA99dyciK

  • 4n1pWS2RLCg4tRoWU3RCpf5YT6tP41rBDJ25TEyi5cMK

  • 5aR9jGBLnko6YfbnC8heWhFzwtf267StEUSobN6N8Eap

  • 9nhwAE4d2FPeRngHSvDfz4J5JqCxhAnm6xL88wnNKAbu

  • CVu6fpZFZMnWvQfun1yKjje3kV8L14i5knQ9PLKyzLE

  • 62LBFpTA85Z4hHYofP79NiSozxHQWTh88MQzmFFRbgQo

  • GTPPYMjBbuAp4hbQTHidEMwS3Gyy34ysR4fYLRd6aPjt

  • 2m5498hY3hpSvm1pVyZwwyU6bpQGFGu3PADSoEoZFXQB

  • CySCk3xgpsnkYe1B4XByg75UiHhwM8XEv5FVDCKGGdr4

  • HPx7GxQjaVvox8kcBvCkUKSSh4oYm4TUeB8fXG9oGuZM

  • HFtjJ4Ud1bn4gv1sZznBffpRDYdLK53vCLoDhm9Ks82R

  • 28ipXVfkdmu1PDowCHbcSfzkpH9edZmSiVoDhY5xGVfR

  • 3ZXQXrHAqNUcFgApjS9BDBkG8J14h5rxrQNAmAwqqEGH

  • FTKTNFqeu9wzckDzmsaL1dTgB19BK6fE6DMTHdbETtd1

[Disclaimer] There are risks in the market, so investment needs to be cautious. This article does not constitute investment advice, and users should consider whether any opinions, views or conclusions contained in this article are appropriate for their particular circumstances. Invest accordingly and do so at your own risk.

  • This article is reprinted with permission from: "Foresight News"

  • Original author: Nan Zhi, Odaily Planet Daily