Last night, the US announced its second quarter GDP, which grew by 2%, far exceeding expectations. The strong data cast a shadow on the Fed's choice to cut interest rates.

Now the US data has been completely distorted, and all kinds of contradictory data have become tools in the hands of politicians.

The world's monetary structure will be reshuffled, and the era of US hegemony will end. This is the only way forward.

Since Trump began to engage in anti-globalization, the building of US dollar hegemony has begun to collapse. Originally, the US dollar, as the world's only hard currency, relied on the US dollar tide to harvest the world's wealth. The US cut interest rates and released currency, so that countries could buy US high-tech products, and US dollars flowed to other countries. Foreign exchange from other countries exchanged the incoming US dollars for their own currencies and flowed into the domestic market, and the domestic economy developed. After these countries hold US dollars, they will think about increasing value, and they will buy US bonds. The United States can issue bonds continuously, so that the whole world will operate under this logic. In the end, the United States will take the big head, and the countries below will take the small head. Everyone will be happy and develop together.

But our rise has made the United States see the crisis. Starting from Trump, the United States began to take the initiative to decouple from the world. We can no longer use the US dollar to buy high-tech products from the United States. Since we can't buy them, the US dollars I have in my hand are of little use. I can only use them to buy oil. But oil can now be settled in RMB, so the US dollar has become waste paper in our hands and is not irreplaceable. So we stopped buying US debt and exchanged the US dollar for a large amount of gold. Similarly, it is not just us who do this. Countries all over the world are doing this. Then no one will buy US debt, but the United States is still issuing new debt, resulting in more and more US dollars in the international market, and part of it flows back to the US domestic market, causing inflation in the United States. The United States began to panic and could only continue to raise interest rates to maintain the exchange rate of the US dollar. But this will not be a long-term solution. Now it is difficult to get off the tiger and dare not cut interest rates, because as long as the interest rate is cut, the US dollar will depreciate instantly.

The world's grand pattern that has not been seen for a hundred years will be seen by us. This time, it may really be able to reproduce the prosperity of the Tang Dynasty.