What is the essence of technical analysis?

All friends who do trading are familiar with the term technical analysis. Everyone has their own understanding of technical analysis and their own analytical techniques. However, not everyone correctly understands the essential principles of technical analysis when using technical analysis.

Many people think that the essence of technical analysis is to look at the K-line chart and find graphic patterns, but in fact, whether it is the K-line chart or the graphic pattern, these things are just tools for technical analysis, not the essential principles of technical analysis. The market will not show a xx trend tomorrow just because the K-line chart shows an xx shape.

The principle of market price changes is the change in the balance of supply and demand between buyers and sellers, and the K-line chart and graphic pattern are just important tools we use to analyze this supply and demand relationship. The essence of technical analysis is actually to analyze the balance of supply and demand behind the market through the K-line chart, understand the story between buyers and sellers, and speculate on the future market trend based on the story we see.

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