Today we continue to talk about a new project that has just been launched (launched on July 24), which is also a DA layer project called AVAIL. Its current market value is 350 million US dollars, and its FDV is 2.1 billion US dollars. Compared with TIA’s 10 billion, there is still a big gap. It has been online for one day, and the price ratio is still relatively stable at around 0.21 US dollars.


1. Introduction

Avail DA is a modular blockchain solution designed to optimize Data Availability (DA) services for highly scalable and customizable Rollups. Avail is building Avail's unified layer, from the basic Data Availability (DA) layer, the Nexus unified layer to Fusion, an additional security layer. Avail DA is the only chain-agnostic DA layer that combines KZG commitments and Data Availability Sampling (DAS). This is a major milestone in the history of blockchain development, allowing Rollups to immediately enjoy the features and advantages brought by the Ethereum danksharding roadmap.


2. Avail's Unified Layer

The platform's structure is built on three main layers:

1. Data Availability (DA) Layer: A foundational layer focused on data availability that forms the basis for a large number of scalable modular chains. The DA layer is a highly optimized low-level layer built specifically for data availability. This is the deepest blockchain layer with the minimum functionality required to establish interoperability across the ecosystem.

Avail DA uses proofs of validity to ensure that developers do not need to trust Avail's claims about whether their data is available; they can verify it themselves.

2. Nexus layer: Nexus is a lightweight but powerful proof aggregation and sequence selection zk rollup that sits on top of Avail DA.

Avail Nexus, as a permissionless verification center, will unify rollups (not just those built into the Avail ecosystem), leveraging the Avail DA as a root of trust.

3Fusion Security Layer: Enhances the overall security of the Avail network by bringing together different tokens, including established and emerging tokens. Fusion will also help bring and lock more liquidity from other blockchains into the Avail ecosystem.

This approach will gradually strengthen Avail’s cryptoeconomic security, marking the first time that exotic tokens such as ETH and BTC will be used to achieve consensus on different blockchains.

Together, these layers aim to eliminate market fragmentation and provide a unified platform for users and developers from different ecosystems.


3. Avail Products

1.Avail DA

By using Avail DA, we build a data availability layer with proof of validity and unify Web3

Avail DA is designed to meet the needs of next-generation, trust-minimized applications and sovereign rollups. Its advantage lies in its innovative security approach, which enables light clients to easily verify the availability of data through sampling on a peer-to-peer network. With Avail DA's data availability interface and powerful security features, developers can create zero-knowledge or fraud-proof blockchain applications more efficiently and easily.

At its core, Avail DA prioritizes the ordering and publication of transactions while enabling users to verify the availability of block data without downloading the entire block. Avail DA's data independence is one of its defining characteristics. It supports a variety of execution environments, including EVM, WASM, and custom new runtimes, providing a versatile foundation for diverse blockchain applications.

2.Avail Nexus

Avail Nexus is a permissionless framework that aims to unify the Web3 ecosystem. It connects multiple blockchains within and outside the Avail ecosystem, leveraging Avail DA as a root of trust.

Avail Nexus is a more structured component of Avail that outlines specific integration standards between rollups. This layer is critical to creating a seamless user experience in multiple scenarios, whether the user is interacting with a single rollup, navigating multiple rollups within Avail, or interacting with chains in an external ecosystem.

Avail Nexus is a coordinated rollup based on zero-knowledge proofs, built on top of Avail DA, including a proof aggregation/verification layer and a sequence selection mechanism, which is achieved by embedding the Avail DAS (Data Availability Sampling) light client based on validity proofs and performing proof aggregation. The aggregated proofs will also be sent to Ethereum.



3.Avail Fusion

Avail Fusion completes Avail’s unified layer, providing additional security for the Avail ecosystem and Web3. Fusion will enable native assets from other major ecosystems, such as Bitcoin and Ethereum, to be staked alongside Avail’s native assets. This will allow Avail to leverage existing, established assets to enhance its own cryptoeconomic security, and marks the first time that external tokens, such as ETH and BTC, will be used to power consensus on different blockchains.


4. Network Operation

Operationally, Avail’s DA layer generates and secures blockspace that other blockchains can use as their own pluggable data availability layer. Using a dedicated AppID, blockchains publish transaction data to Avail, which is committed and available. Data published on Avail blocks is verified by the Avail network. Avail employs proofs of validity so that developers and users don’t need to trust the Avail network that data is available, they can actually verify it themselves. Avail uses KZG polynomial commitments to ensure that data has a place in the Avail block header. Once a new block is finalized by validators, proofs of validity can be used to guarantee the availability of data after finalization. Avail’s Nominated Proof of Stake (NPoS) blockchain is built using the Polkadot SDK and it will support up to 1,000 external validators.


5. The difference between Avail and Tia

Avail uses the BABE and GRANDPA consensus mechanisms inherited from the Polkadot SDK. BABE, as a block generation engine, identifies new block generators by coordinating with verification nodes, giving priority to survival. GRANDPA, as finality, enables the finality of all blocks leading to a specific block to be completed simultaneously if more than two-thirds of the validators sign the chain containing the block. This hybrid ledger gives Avail network resilience and enables it to withstand short-term network partitions and large-scale node failures.

Avail’s design choices are similar to Casper and LMD GHOST used in Ethereum. LMD GHOST is Ethereum’s block generation engine that relies on probabilistic finality similar to BABE, while Casper FFG, like GRANDPA, provides finality guarantees.

Celestia's design choice is to use Tendermint, which enables it to finalize blocks as they are generated. However, the trade-off of this choice is that the chain may stall when more than one-third of its operators or validators are down. It is also important to note that block finality does not guarantee data availability. A fraud proof-based design like Celestia means that users need to wait for DA guarantees even if blocks have achieved instant finality.

In fact, they each have their own characteristics. In summary, Celestia is more suitable for applications that want to be built or integrated in an independent execution environment, while Avail may be more suitable for developers who need a complete blockchain solution.

Token Economy

The total amount of tokens is 10 billion, and currently 167,000,000 are in circulation, with a circulation rate of 16.7%. There will be an inflation of 5% every year (this is a bit fatal), which means that there will be 500 million more tokens every year. According to the current exchange rate, this is 100 million US dollars.


From the token distribution, we can see that 23% goes to the community and research, 12% to the public, 30% to the ecosystem, 20% to core contributors, and 14.125% to investors. The unlocking period is three years, so there will be a lot of unlocking later.


Finally, to summarize, this project is similar to TIA in terms of technology, and each has its own characteristics. Avail is a complete DA solution, and it has also raised 27 million US dollars before. At present, there is a gap between the overall FDV and TIA, which is about 5 times, but this is also a VC plate, and there is 5% inflation every year. The upper limit is not very high at present. If you compare it with TIA, it is about 5 times. Do you think it can reach the height of TIA? It should be quite difficult, so it is reasonable to see a 3-fold increase at the moment (I am talking about the big bull market) #内容挖矿