#美国以太坊现货ETF开始交易 #比特币大会 #拜登退选

When you are trading cryptocurrencies, you always have regrets. You either regret not buying at a low point, or you regret buying too much because you are worried that the risk is too high. Sometimes, when you see the price of the currency rise, you regret not selling at a high point. The most painful thing is that when the market really rises, you realize that you bought too little at the beginning, and you feel so upset that you want to invest all your money. These emotions are actually a reflection of human nature, and they are also a manifestation of a lack of systematic investment strategy.

Short-term operations may bring some floating profits, but this is not the ultimate goal. Our goal is to obtain greater returns through swing trading, and swing trading needs to withstand the drastic fluctuations of the market. The key is to adhere to the established trading system, so as to achieve the expected long-term profit goals.

If you lose money in the last wave and regret not selling it when you made money, then next time when you make some profit and sell it early, when the price soars, you will still regret not buying enough and selling too early. You will always be in regret and annoyance, and the vicious cycle will repeat itself.

The difference between an expert and a novice is that an expert will forget about the operation after it is completed, and summarize the experience and lessons, while a novice will always be stuck in the currency and emotions and cannot get out, let alone summarize the experience and lessons. An expert will always put human nature in a cage and always execute according to the system. The profit and loss are given by the system, which is stable and will not experience big ups and downs. The profit and loss of a novice is given by feeling.

Regrets and emotions in investment reflect the weakness of human nature and the lack of system. Only by adhering to your own trading system can you achieve long-term stable returns. Only by summarizing experience and lessons and avoiding falling into endless regrets and cycles can you truly make progress.$BTC $1000SATS $WLD

Which do you think is better for long-term investment, short-term operation or swing trading? Share your views and investment strategies so that we can learn from each other.