🌟 Warning from V God: The future of cryptocurrency lies in practical application! 🌟

Vitalik Buterin, co-founder of Ethereum, recently shared an important point in the "Bell Curve" podcast: The success of cryptocurrency does not rely on price increases or market hype, but on the practical application and innovation of its technology.

🔑 Importance of practical application:

Vitalik pointed out that for cryptocurrency to achieve long-term success in the future, it must become a trusted technical solution in mainstream society. Just as the Linux operating system has been widely used and recognized worldwide, cryptocurrency also needs to demonstrate its practical value in the real world.

🌐 Diversified application scenarios:

Vitalik envisioned several possible application scenarios:

Ethereum account replaces social account login: If users can use Ethereum accounts to log in to various social platforms, this will greatly enhance privacy protection and data security. Cryptocurrency integration into the financial system: By becoming part of the financial system, cryptocurrency can provide a more transparent and efficient payment and settlement method. DAO replaces traditional enterprises and non-profit organizations: Decentralized Autonomous Organizations (DAOs) can provide new governance models for enterprises and non-profit organizations, improving decision-making efficiency and transparency.

⚠️ Warning to idealists:

Vitalik warned that it would be a disappointment if the history of cryptocurrency was remembered only as a slogan of a group of idealists, or used to trade digital monkeys and celebrity photos. Cryptocurrency needs to prove its value in real applications, not just a tool for hype.

📈 Key to success:

To achieve this goal, the cryptocurrency community needs to focus on technological innovation and the development of application scenarios. Only when cryptocurrencies show unique advantages in actual use can they truly change the world and become the cornerstone of future finance and technology.

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