The bull market is about to take off, and the following four sectors are worth paying attention to:

AI sector

The third technological revolution is likely to be led by AI, and the AI ​​sector is undoubtedly a hot spot for investment in the future. With the continuous breakthroughs and application expansion of AI technology, many potential currencies will emerge in this field.

➢io belongs to the depin field + AI + Solana ecology, and the AI ​​sector must also be the grand narrative of this round. With the advent of the large-scale AI era, the potential is extremely huge.

SOL sector

As the third in the crypto market, SOL also has a very good narrative background, ETF speculation expectations, and the ability to accommodate big-name star funds, so SOL itself is worthy of our attention.

➢Its ecosystem-related currencies $JUP, $BOME, etc. are also worthy of attention!

RWA sector

The digitization of real assets (RWA) is the trend of the future. Just like you won't run around with gold, the digitization of real assets is undoubtedly more convenient. At present, many large institutions have heavily invested in RWA. Although the development of this sector is slightly slow, its potential is huge.

➢It is necessary to pay attention to its ecosystem-related currencies: $ONDO, $PENDLE, $MKR.

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Meme sector

In multiple rounds of bull markets, the sector with the most high-multiple coins is Meme. Needless to say, I am talking about the fully circulated meme coins. The unique charm and explosive power of Meme coins make it a hot spot for retail investors.

➢ MEME coins represented by PEPE, People, and WIF usually have high market trading intensity, and can achieve a 5-fold or even 10-fold increase in a short period of time when the market starts. Sats in the big cake ecosystem and Bome in the sol ecosystem are optimistic, with low market value and no VC. They will rise instantly after the wash. At the climax of the bull market, newly launched MEME coins may also achieve a hundred-fold increase. The pullback is only temporary.

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