[Musk and Dogecoin founder shocked the cryptocurrency community by posting about the truth]

Musk and Dogecoin co-founder Billy Marcus recently sparked a discussion about the "truth" on the X social media platform. Marcus drew enthusiastic responses by pointing out that what people often want to hear is a simplistic version that lacks depth. Musk responded with a bullseye dart sticker, showing he agreed with Marcus. Members of the cryptocurrency community also pointed out that scammers often use lies to induce investment.

This discussion involves whether Dogecoin can become a major currency widely used around the world. Despite the huge support for the coin from Marcus and Musk, there are still significant challenges to achieving this goal. The outlook for the cryptocurrency market is uncertain, but the launch of a spot Bitcoin ETF earlier this year and the recent Ethereum ETF suggest the market is gradually changing.

However, for coins like Solana, XRP, and Dogecoin, reaching similar ETF milestones will still require widespread institutional adoption and regulatory approval. This process is difficult and long, but the progress of the industry cannot be ignored.

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