Brothers, today I had a chat with a big man in the circle. It was really classic and every word was a pearl! I quickly summarized a few points for us. You must read them. It will definitely help you!

1. Leave when you make a lot of money, calm down and rest, or travel around the world to relax!

Brothers, remember this sentence! Don't be greedy when you make a lot of money, leave quickly, enjoy life, travel, and relax!

2. If the continuous loss exceeds 10%, be sure to find out the cause of the loss to avoid falling into the quagmire.

This is the top priority! Brothers, if you lose money continuously, stop quickly and find the reason, don't let yourself get deeper and deeper!

3. If you are doing short-term trading, don't trade if there is ambiguity. Such opportunities are the easiest to lose money.

For short-term trading, you must see clearly before you act! When it is unclear, don't mess around, otherwise you will lose your own money!

4. Don't follow up if the increase exceeds 50%. Often such opportunities are traps. It is easy to be trapped when buying.

Remember, brothers! If you see an increase of more than 50%, don't follow the trend! It is often a trap, and you will be trapped once you enter!

5. After a continuous surge, don't be jealous of the high volume, which is usually a lure to buy more. Control your emotions and don't buy in.

After a surge, the high volume looks tempting, but it is often a lure to buy more! Brothers, you must control your emotions at this time and don't buy in!

6. Buy low when weak, and buy after a pullback when strong.

This sentence is the essence! When weak, we buy low; when strong, wait for a pullback before buying. This operation is stable!

7. If you don't understand the situation, don't add positions without 90% confidence. It is stable to build positions in batches at low positions.

Adding positions is not a casual addition, brothers! If you don't understand the situation and are not 90% sure, don't mess around! Build positions in batches at low positions, so that it is stable!

