The cryptocurrency market has been turbulent recently, and the price of Bitcoin has been volatile. One of the main influencing factors is the large amount of Bitcoin held by some countries.

The following is a brief summary of Bitcoin holdings in several countries:

1. The United States: holds more than 213,000 Bitcoins, mainly from the seizure of illegal activities such as hacking attacks and fraud, and has realized US$366 million.

2. China: Holds 190,000 Bitcoins, mainly from the PlusToken pyramid scheme case in 2020, involving an amount of 14.8 billion.

3. United Kingdom: Holds 61,000 Bitcoins, originating from the money laundering case of Chinese-American woman Jian Wen, involving an amount of US$43 billion.

4. Germany: Holds 45,000 Bitcoins, some of which were seized by pirated movie website operators and have been liquidated.

5. El Salvador: Actively holds Bitcoin and promotes the use of Bitcoin through policy and banking reforms. It currently holds approximately 5,794 coins, worth approximately US$350 million, and has no plans to sell them.

The Bitcoin holding and liquidation behavior of these countries has a significant impact on the market. $BTC $ETH #美国以太坊现货ETF开始交易 #美国大选如何影响加密产业? #山寨季何时到来?