Ultraman Tuesday summary and early morning operation ideas: continue to Zuoduo!

Simple and clear, without any frills, one word Duo, three consecutive shots all hit the bull's eye! All public rhythms! All points are given! If you can't catch it, it's your problem!

Shipan layout:

The first basket: 67,000 Buju Duo were publicly disclosed overnight

Big cake, 67,000 Zuoduo, 68,000 out of the warehouse Take 1000 points

Second: Continue to pull back in the afternoon

Bitcoin 66300, 66900 out of the warehouse, take 600 points

Ether 3435, 3520 out of the warehouse, take 85 points

Third: Evening plug-in layout of the whole network

Bitcoin 66100, 67100 out of the warehouse, take 1000 points

Ether 3435, 3495 out of the warehouse, take 60 points

All are good, and the positions are given to everyone. Take Bitcoin 2600 points and Ethereum 145 points!

No matter how you root, no matter how late the point is, as long as you follow Ultraman to do Kong, you can get two cabins at a 30% discount. You know that this is the market. Follow it and take off!

At present, the recent rhythm and time nodes are very similar. They are all excessive shock intervals, fast rise and slow fall, and the probability of range breakthrough is not high. In this wide shock field, you will face it around a trend. At least you will not be passive. Even if your entry point is not good, you will be given a chance to exit.

At present, it has stepped back to test the 65,500 area again. Ether has inserted a needle in the 3,390 area. The mood is still affected by Mentougou, but it is only temporary. After washing Duo, there should be further energy to enter the market. We can still arrange Duodan at the low point. When the strength reaches it, we will see through the 70,000 mark + and follow the trend! Support 65,000, pressure 67,500!

Thoughts on Wednesday morning:

Big cake: 65500, defense 600, watch 67000

Ether: 3360, defense 40, watch 3490

My thinking analysis and Shipan’s arrangement are in the same pace, the most authentic trading blogger on the whole network! Those who understand will understand! There is no fancy stuff, whether it is accurate or not, you know it in your heart, and you can’t run short-term well. Friends who need help should identify the ideas!

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