I spent over 100 hours digging into their trading data, and what I found was shocking.

🧵: The truth hidden by the government 👇

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In early 2024, German police seized 50,000 Bitcoins worth $2.17 billion.

The case involved a pirated website that violated copyright laws in 2013.

Police have until July 2024 to decide what to do with the bitcoins.

Over the past month, Germany sold all of its Bitcoin, leading to a sweeping market correction and significant panic.

As of now, they have no Bitcoin in their portfolio.

Does this mean the market has bottomed? Time will tell.

Germany sold almost all of its Bitcoin through the following three exchanges:

➢ Coinbase

➢ Kraken

➢ Bitstamp

With the weekend approaching, it is recommended to wait for the weekdays to confirm the sale and make sure that it has indeed been cleared this time.

This incident shows obvious news manipulation.

Often, market reactions are driven more by sentiment than actual news.

As many see it, these events will not change the global situation, but will shake investors who do not have firm convictions.

While these panic attacks were ignored by experienced cryptocurrency investors, they did cause emotional fluctuations in others.

This is a critical moment in any cycle, when markets must sway investors who don’t have strong convictions before global growth can take hold.

Looking back at past cycles, it can be seen that big players often exploit these events for their own gain.

Any global growth is usually preceded by a major correction to shake up investors who don't have strong convictions.

in conclusion

Currently, the market is in a classic bear trap. Market conditions have stabilized, indicating that we are past the worst. Hold and buy on dips – this is today’s winning strategy. Patience will pay off handsomely in late 2024 and early 2025.

$BTC #德国 #德国政府 #德国政府比特币清仓 #德国政府抛售