Is the cryptocurrency market a shortcut for young people to buy cars and houses in the short term?

I dare not say in the short term, it has to be a good market and a bull market.

However, if you are on the wrong track, your efforts will be in vain.

Recently, AI is definitely a hot topic in the technology circle.

Everyone knows that Nvidia has become the number one leader in the US stock market, which also shows that the potential of the AI ​​sector is really not to be underestimated.

For young people who want to realize their dreams of buying cars and houses in a short period of time, it is very important to choose the right investment direction.

Just like in the crypto market, finding a potential project often surpasses most people.

Some time ago, everyone was discussing various projects in the group, and someone mentioned TES AI. This project recently completed the first round of financing with a valuation of US$100 million and raised US$5 million. To be honest, this financing scale is still quite eye-catching in the current market.

Official website:

The TESAI platform adopts a high-channel and unique consensus mechanism, which is tailor-made for AI applications. Its distributed computing and storage architecture can perform efficient real-time data processing to meet various high-computing power requirements. What's even better is that ordinary users can also use the idle computing power resources through the TESAI platform, and by the way, they can also make some extra money through the Dex14 protocol.

Speaking of practical applications, TESAI has connected the computing power resources of a large number of ordinary users around the world, and also provides enterprises with diversified and cost-effective computing power services. Its decentralized GPU computing power cloud service covers multiple fields such as AI, rendering, games, ZK proofs and verification nodes.

With the continuous development of AI technology and the trend of global interconnection, I think TES AI should have many development opportunities in the future. Although the current market environment is a bit difficult, I believe that decentralized infrastructure will play an increasingly important role in global interconnection.

I feel that its technology and market prospects are very promising. If you are also looking for a potential investment project, you might as well pay more attention to TES AI. Maybe this will be your next opportunity in the AI ​​computing power market.