Brothers, this wave of dozens of days of rise is driven by the positive expectations of Ethereum ETF. Today, the positive news is about to land. After landing, the price of the currency will start to fall. I personally predict that this wave of rise has ended. Next, the cottage will start a new round of bloodbath. The cost-effectiveness of shorting is higher than that of longing!

The spot that was bought by the first warehouse of 6.11w in the past has been sold, and the spot that was bought by 5.7w is still there. I will buy it in batches and sell it in batches. If it falls, I will buy it!

The next support range of the big cake is around 6.5-6.45. This support range can broadcast a rebound. If it can't hold up, it will go to around 6.35.

If Ethereum falls below 3415 today, the daily line will start to pull back. The next support range is between 3380-3370. If this support range can't hold up, it will go to around 3250.

The ideas and positions are given to everyone in advance. I really hope to be slapped in the face. After all, when the currency price falls, no one is innocent, and the account assets will shrink.

Before the interest rate cut is confirmed, Mentougou behind is the biggest negative. I hope the storm will come faster! #BTC走势分析 #ETH走势分析 #门头沟事件