[2024.7.23 Bitcoin and Ethereum intraday market analysis]

Good afternoon, brothers. Today is a memorable and exciting moment. Ethereum spot ETF will start trading in the evening. You should also pay attention to the currency price risk after starting trading.

You can refer to the Bitcoin ETF on January 11, which rose and then plummeted after passing. It fell by 16 points in 2 days. The currency price fell from 4.9w to 3.85w after about 2 weeks of online trading. It started to rise after a retracement of about 20%!

So after the Ethereum ETF starts trading in the evening, the currency price may fall after rising. It is recommended that you watch more and do less. Wait until the market stabilizes after this time node before entering the market. Only trade in the market that you understand! #以太坊ETF批准预期

Intraday market analysis:

$BTC Currently, the 4-hour level has a small-level short side correction. Pay attention to the support levels of 66560-65760-65000 below today. As long as it does not fall below the daily support level of 65000 today, it is a normal correction. If it holds up, it will still go up!

To rise today, the 4-hour level closing line must stand above 67500. Only when it stands firmly at this position, the 4-hour level will be considered to have completed the correction and started to rise. Pay attention to the upper target/pressure level near 68240-69150! #BTC走势分析

$ETH In the morning, it accurately inserted into the first support level given in the early morning and began to rebound. Now it seems that the rebound is a bit weak. At present, the 4-hour level has a small-level short side. Pay attention to the support levels of 3415-3380-3345 below today. As long as it does not fall below the daily support level of 3415 today, it is a normal callback. It will still go up if it holds!

If you want to rise today, the 4-hour level closing line must stand above 3485. Only when it stands firmly at this position, the 4-hour level will be considered to have completed the callback and started to rise. Pay attention to the upper target/pressure level near 3523-3562! #ETH走势分析

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