Ethereum spot ETF officially approved for listing and trading

The U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) has notified at least two of the eight companies that applied to launch the first U.S. spot Ethereum ETF that their products can begin trading on Tuesday (July 23).

Products from BlackRock, VanEck and six other companies will begin trading on three different exchanges on Tuesday morning: the Chicago Board Options Exchange (CBOE), Nasdaq and the New York Stock Exchange, all of which have confirmed that they are ready to start trading.

Ethereum spot ETF is good. After cashing out, it is estimated that some people who bought Ethereum at a low price will cash out, so many people are looking forward to a surge. I don’t think it will come in the short term, but will fluctuate or pull back. It will only come after accumulating power.

Personal analysis

Bitcoin’s short-term pressure of 68,000-68,500 has not been attacked. Bitcoin’s gap this week has been filled. There is currently no gap above, and there is another gap below between 57,800-61,800.

From the current short-term trend of Bitcoin and Ethereum, there has been a "small divergence". It can be seen that the current market is going down, while Ethereum is going up. It is enough to show that Ethereum is no longer going down with the market, but will go through a small independent trend.

Trump will speak on the 27th, and there will be an interest rate meeting at the end of the month. This week is another week of long and short explosion for those who have heavy positions in futures, options, and contracts and do not stop losses! It is still the hawk (main force) mode!

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