📣 Opinion News! Ari Paul bets 10:1 that Bitcoin will not become a US reserve asset in the next four years!

🤔 Have you heard? Ari Paul, CIO of BlockTower Capital, made a big move yesterday. He said that the United States will not use Bitcoin as a strategic reserve in the next four years, and he dared to bet with you at a 10:1 odds! What this means is that if you pay 10,000, if the United States really uses Bitcoin as a reserve, he will have to pay you 100,000. As soon as this bet was made, everyone was talking about it.

👂 At the same time, many people are also rumored that Trump may announce this plan at the Bitcoin Conference on July 27. But Ari Paul still doesn't think so. He said that although the US government does hold a large amount of Bitcoin, it does not mean that the government will use it as a national strategic reserve asset.

🌐 Following closely, some big Vs and Internet celebrities in the currency circle on social media X are also hyping this news, believing that Trump may announce at the Bitcoin Conference that he will promote Bitcoin as a reserve currency war plan for the United States.

😌The view is that these influencers may be too optimistic, or they just want to attract more fans and views in this way. After all, they know what kind of content can attract everyone's attention, so that their click-through rate and number of fans will go up.

🤷‍♂️ Regarding this matter, although I personally think that Bitcoin has great potential in the future, to be honest, I think it is unlikely to happen in the next four years, let alone at the conference this week.

🔍 So, friends, when we hear this news, we still have to keep some doubts and think about it. Because if Bitcoin really wants to become a strategic reserve asset, it will take a lot of processes and time. We have to observe patiently and analyze rationally.

💬 Let's talk about it. What do you think about this? Do you think Bitcoin will become a reserve asset in the United States in the next four years? Tell me your thoughts in the comment section and let's discuss it together! #比特币赌注 #加密货币大会 #特朗普比特币大会 #美国储备资产