After US President Joe Biden officially withdrew from the November elections, the name Kamala Harris began to come to the fore as the biggest choice for Democrats. Harris, who was publicly touted as the "President of the Future" when she started her vice presidency in 2020, but was a huge disappointment, has a history on cryptocurrencies that is in the gray area.

Kamala Harris, who has recently been one of the prominent names in presidential candidacy bets, especially in crypto-based prediction markets, was almost left alone in this field, as Biden pointed out. Hillary Clinton, wife of former president Bill Clinton and one of the heavyweights of the Democrats, Michelle Obama, wife of another former president Barack Obama, California Governor Gavin Newsom and Elizabeth Warren, known for her anti-crypto stance, are also among those mentioned for candidacy.

Harris seems certain...

Although Harris was pointed out after Biden's withdrawal, this situation is still not certain. For Harris to become the presidential candidate, she must first pass the vote within the Democrats themselves. A party meeting is planned to be held in Chicago on August 19. It is certain that Harris will be nominated here and receive the votes of the delegates.

What is your crypto stance?

Harris' crypto stance is currently unknown. Harris did not openly support the Democratic Party's anti-crypto practices in recent years, but she did not oppose it either. Harris, who has no negative or positive statements about cryptocurrencies, is not expected to change the policies of the Democratic Party. However, a change may be made to have a chance against Trump. It is also known that Trump received votes from young people due to his stance in favor of crypto. It is also among the analysis that Harris has an advantage because she is black and a woman. Therefore, with the power she receives from this, she can make positive statements about crypto and increase her voting potential. However, all of these are just analyzes and comments for now...

The majority of those who donated to Biden are expected to give the same support to Harris. This may also mean that Harris remains completely silent in the crypto field and the Biden government continues its practices.

If names such as Elizabeth Warren and Hillary Clinton other than Harris become president, the crypto world may experience more difficult times in the USA. In particular, Warren's anti-crypto stance is clearly known.

- Uzmancoin
