Ethereum has tried 3560 several times but failed to break it📉

I have been posting to everyone before that you can try to enter the market with short orders around 3520 and 3560 area

I have done what I said, I have already entered the market

The subsequent trend is not clear enough. Last night, ETH fell back to the support level of 3420 and quickly reversed. The support below is still very strong

So the stop profit of this short order will be adjusted at any time. At the support level of 3420, if this wave can still fall below 3420, then there will be a waterfall trend later. If it cannot fall below, then the average price of my short order near 3540 can rush to the cost of my short order, which means that the market has completely turned to long. Then the more stable operation strategy is to close the short position, and then take the long position and wait for a breakthrough and rise📈

#比特币大会 #拜登退选