The second-layer network has been silent for so long, is there still a chance? How is OP going?

Ethereum's ETF will start trading tomorrow, and Biden has officially announced his withdrawal from the election. The future market situation is exciting. Recently, the discussion of the second-layer network has decreased significantly. Although this wave of callbacks has a large amplitude, the long-term benefits brought by the second-layer network to the Ethereum ecosystem cannot be ignored. This is also one of the reasons why the second-layer network is "heavy".

As the first currency issued in the second-layer network, OP has a high degree of consensus. Although each breakthrough of the previous high will trigger a wave of callbacks, and the process is relatively tortuous, the overall trend is still a healthy rise. As can be seen from the figure, the price of OP continues to break through the previous high, and the low point is gradually rising. The wash during this period is very cruel. Every time the previous high is broken, there will be a large callback, giving people a feeling that as long as the previous high is broken, there will be a callback, and the callback amplitude is not small. This is very fatal to those traders who stick to experience, because the market is fickle. When you think you have found a pattern, it may be the time when the trap comes. The next time you break through the previous high, there may not be a chance for a callback.

At present, OP's callback has ended, and a bullish engulfing stop-loss pattern has been closed, and the mid-term opportunity has emerged. The rise of Ethereum will surely drive the growth of the entire Ethereum ecosystem. Although the best time for long-term layout has been missed, the mid-term is still a good choice. After the stop, it will enter the oscillation stage, and the entire oscillation range is a good opportunity for layout. As long as the position management is done well, I believe that OP's performance will not disappoint.

Of course, many people are not optimistic about the second-layer network and think that the callback is too drastic. Such people only see the appearance and measure the value by the price, resulting in chasing ups and downs and failing to layout in advance. This wave of callbacks cleaned up investors with weak wills, and coupled with the current bull market background, this is the time when opportunities come. There is gold everywhere in the market. How to distinguish opportunities and risks depends on personal vision.