BNB's current situation: 1-2 hour level is in a consolidation state, while the 4-hour level shows a pullback trend. #BNBSmartChain

Pay special attention to the price near 596.49 in the four-hour chart. If the pullback is successful, there may be a long opportunity. The upper pressure level is roughly around 606.01. #BNB2000

If the four-hour level pullback fails, it may turn into a downward trend.

At the same time, note that the purple dot signal has appeared at 12 o'clock today, which is the short order buying point. It is recommended to enter the market near the red dot to short. #BNB挖礦

In terms of support, it is necessary to pay attention to the price near the two ranges of 581.11 to 561.94. $BNB $BTC $ETH