I am free, but this process has made me lose a lot of real friends, and some family affections are no longer as important in my heart as before. How can I put it? I have been crawling all the way down, stumbling, and it has made me feel a little twisted. But I am not a bad person. Every time someone sends me news of bankruptcy and liquidation, my eyes will be hot and I want to cry. Because I can feel their bitterness. They get a fixed salary every month, and then they know about Erquan. They see a person getting rich, and they see new hope. As a result, they invest in it and go bankrupt again and again. There is no way. There are old people above and young children below. The more I lose, the more uncomfortable I feel. The more I lose, the more I want to turn the tables, but the market is always ruthless.

It’s useless. No one can be relied on. If you lose money, reflect on it. Don’t make the same mistake next time. Don’t rush to seek medical treatment. Those "medicines" are the second sickle.

There are too many poor people in the cryptocurrency circle. Whenever I think back, I think of myself back then. Sometimes I have some immature ideas: I have already got thousands of mansions, why not shelter all the warriors in the world?

I didn't do this, and no one will do this. I can only talk nonsense and tell you my blood and tears lessons. I know you can't listen, but I said, how to do it depends on the individual.

The happiest time for me was the first few days of freedom, and later I was more indignant. At least there was a good result, otherwise I really don't know where to go for most of my life.

Most of the time I feel lonely, before and after freedom, I am very introverted and vain. Vanity has been satisfied, but introversion is forever. Maybe because of these, even if I have so much money now, I don't know how to "spend". As mentioned earlier, I don't have to worry about food and drink. Buying a car is also because "wealth is not much, like brocade clothes at night", so in order to satisfy my vanity, I bought two similar cars, and drove them home during the holidays. Let the people in the village know that the poor boy has made it big.

I don’t have many ideals. In fact, for me, I am free as long as I don’t have to worry about food, clothing, housing and transportation, and I don’t have to work to maintain these things. Now I am very satisfied. Now, money is a thick and safe barrier behind me.
