The era of rubbing hair is about to pass, and the era of everything being mineable is coming! The era of wearable mining is imperative. Rather than saying it is mining, it is better to say that the era of the Internet of Things has arrived. The profit sharing of hardware nodes, in addition to the functions of the hardware itself, can also bring the benefits of data sharing, returning the value of personal data to individuals.

A new profit sharing model - (DePIN) combines the track with the Internet of Things (IoT) to provide users with profit sharing.

Using hardware as a carrier and combining its own usage functions, such as headphones/computers/mobile phones/tablets/sweeping robots/vacuum cleaners, data collection and sharing can be achieved through usage records.

Data collection from IoT devices:

IoT devices such as sensors and smart home devices can collect a large amount of valuable data, including environmental data, device usage data, etc.

Decentralized storage and distribution of data:
- Using DePIN technology, data can be stored in a decentralized manner in blockchain or distributed storage networks to ensure the security and immutability of the data.

User data contribution rewards:
- Users can earn rewards by contributing their device data. These rewards can be issued in the form of tokens, and the more data a user contributes, the higher the reward.

2. Equipment sharing and resource utilization

Sharing Economy Model:
- Users can share their IoT devices (such as smart home devices, electric vehicle charging stations, etc.) with other users. Through the DePIN network, the usage and benefits of the devices can be transparently recorded and distributed.

Smart contract automatic settlement:
- Using smart contract technology, equipment usage fees can be automatically settled and the benefits can be distributed proportionally to equipment owners and network operators.

3. Decentralized network services

Decentralized network services:
- IoT devices can provide decentralized network services such as edge computing, distributed storage, etc. through DePIN.

Service usage charges and profit sharing:
- Users can use these decentralized services and pay the corresponding fees. The fees are automatically distributed to service providers and network maintainers through smart contracts, and users can also get profits by participating in network maintenance (such as node operation and data storage).

4. User autonomy and community governance

User participation in governance:
- Users can participate in the governance decisions of the DePIN network by holding tokens, such as network upgrades, rate adjustments, etc.

- Users who participate in governance can receive corresponding rewards, which encourages users to actively participate in the healthy development of the network.

5. Advertising and Marketing

Precision advertising:
- Using the data collected by IoT devices, accurate advertising can be delivered, and the fees paid by advertisers can be distributed to data providers and platform operators through the DePIN network.

User engagement campaigns:
- Users can earn token rewards by participating in advertising activities (such as watching ads, trying products).

Through the above methods, the combination of DePIN track and the Internet of Things can not only realize the effective use and profit sharing of user data, but also promote the healthy development of decentralized networks and increase user participation and enthusiasm.

Maybe the theory is too complicated, so let's put it another way. For example, when you use all Xiaomi hardware devices, they record your usage data and give you Xiaomi tokens as rewards, so you can share profits with Xiaomi. Huawei needs traffic to launch a new product, so it negotiates with Xiaomi to airdrop Huawei tokens to all Xiaomi hardware node users, but receiving them requires a series of tasks. Huawei also obtains user information, and users get benefits.

Apple saw the huge traffic of Xiaomi/Huawei in China, so it thought of investing traffic on Huawei/Xiaomi platform, delivering Apple tokens, and users can get advertising revenue!

A hardware node can connect all ecosystems, from labor in exchange for income, time in exchange for income, to data in exchange for income. With the development of AI/technology, human time/labor are no longer irreplaceable! Data in exchange for income, everything is stored again! Decentralized storage is irreversible!

#DMC Decentralized privacy DePIN devices for home use have been introduced into thousands of homes!