Is the bull market over?

Will the bitcoin price rise to 100,000?

I still stick to my point of view. No matter how high the bitcoin price rises, it has nothing to do with those people who want to turn over with small funds.

Even if it rises to 100,000, how much money can ordinary retail investors make with their small capital? You will miss the bull market in vain and be laughed at if you tell others about it.

Remember one thing, what are you pursuing here? Are you pursuing a stable income? Or are you pursuing a financial product? It's all bullshit.

What we pursue is turning over, getting rich overnight, and financial freedom. To put it bluntly, we are pursuing beautiful cars and beautiful women. If you want to manage your finances, go to the bank. You are taking risks here.

For that little stable income, you might as well go and deliver food. It's also quite stable and you can sleep at night.

Therefore, in the bull market, you need to pay attention to the cottages driven by bitcoins. Those low-market-value coins with ten or a hundred times the value are the main things you need to consider.

In other words, if you want to turn over with small funds, you can either ambush the copycat in advance, but you have no information and no channels, and buying randomly will just wait for the bull market to end and return to zero.

Or you can do the contract yourself. Instead of giving the money to the market, you might as well give it to me directly. Maybe I can give you some advice.

So, again, this period is really a good opportunity to layout

The market has stabilized, and I will start to layout the targets that I have studied for a long time

Each one is expected to have an increase of more than 30%

If you like spot and have more than 1000u to layout

Leave a message in the comment area 666, let me see it! ! !

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