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Eight essential human cognitions for playing peace contracts

Reasonable response to losses, strategy adjustment is the key: the essence of peace contract trading is to win big with small, so it is normal to suffer losses. The key is that when the stop loss is triggered, you should quickly withdraw from your emotions and enter the stage of strategy reflection and adjustment, rather than blindly adding positions.

Move forward steadily and refuse to be eager for quick success: treat trading as a marathon rather than a sprint, and avoid being driven by the fantasy of getting rich overnight. In the face of losses, stay calm, avoid impulsive trading, and don't bet everything on one thing, heavy positions will only increase risks.

Follow the general trend and avoid adverse risks: Accurately judging and following market trends are the keys to the success of peace contract trading. When the market presents an obvious one-sided trend, you should follow the trend and avoid adverse market operations, because adverse trends are often a hotbed of losses.

Optimize the profit-loss ratio to ensure profit potential: Before opening a position, be sure to carefully calculate the potential profit-loss ratio of each transaction to ensure that the profit margin is much greater than the potential loss. Generally speaking, a profit-loss ratio of at least 2:1 should be pursued to improve overall profitability.

Control the frequency of transactions and avoid over-trading: Frequent trading not only increases costs, but may also disrupt the trading rhythm and lead to decision-making errors. For non-professional experts, it is even more important to restrain the impulse to trade and patiently wait for high-quality trading opportunities.

Cognition-driven, earn money within the scope of understanding: Only participate in markets and varieties that you are familiar with and have in-depth research, and avoid blindly following the trend. The depth of cognition determines the breadth of profit, and insist on earning money within the scope of your own cognition.

Strictly stop loss and refuse to carry orders: set a clear stop loss point and strictly implement it. Carrying orders will not only magnify losses infinitely, but may also put you in an inescapable predicament. Remember, stop loss is an important line of defense in trading.

Stay humble and calm: Stay humble when you make a profit, don't be arrogant or impatient; stay calm when you lose money, don't be discouraged or desperate. The market is always full of variables. Only by keeping a calm mind can you go further in the journey of peace contract trading.

And what else, peace contract masters are welcome to add!