Unisat trilogy:

1. Fractal, as the second-layer network of BTC ecology, adopts the pow consensus mechanism, and more than 50% of the tokens are produced by mining;

This is a BitCity expansion solution that uses the BitCity core code to recursively expand the infinite layer of blockchain. It is also the world's first example of applying virtualization methods to Bitcoin, gradually expanding the Bitcoin blockchain into an extensible computing system without destroying the consistency with the Bitcoin main chain;

The main network was launched in September. As the second-layer network of BTC, it has the characteristics of high efficiency and low gas. It will issue its own tokens. At the same time, the UNISAT wallet will support the token. The ecology, inscriptions, runes, etc. on BTC can all be issued on the second layer. This is a supplement to the BTC chain and an empowerment of the ecology;

2. Pizza BTC issued free mint's BRC20 meme, all circulated, with a current market value of 100 million US dollars, supported by the Unisat wallet;

3. The biggest empowerment of sats is as a gas consumption. All projects supported by the Unisat wallet are sats Empowerment;

The market value is at the bottom, and there is room for growth.

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